jw-media video release
by Moxy 7 Replies latest jw friends
Is it just me ? I can't make the link work ?
My reaction to the video was, how fucking nice!
The wt has waited for years for jehovah, the jewish war god , to kill everybody. They have predicted time and again that he would. Now, when a bunch of people get killed right on their door step, they are toungue tied. Tail between their legs, no hundred pound hail stone messages. What a bunch of shit-headed prophets they are. Everybody knows what is going through the minds of these puke-face jw's they are interviewing, but they have been fed all these nicey nicey words that they are regurgitating. I'm fucking pissed off. Those bunch of two-faced fucking politically correct cowards. I'd like to fill this page with expletives fuck fuck fuck
felix a
I know so many good people there at Bethel, that I would like to think that their kindness would extend to a proactive assistance of all. And yet knowing the individuals I am still unsure of what may have been done.
I also found it kind of fun to watch the video and see an old friend of mine being interviewed. I've known Mike Wityk since before he was married and while he still was a volunteer at Bethel. If I remember right he's pretty good with his Linux programming. And worked his ass off on leaving the House in order to get his Certifications.
After watching the video from the PR department. I would say it was woefully lacking in information that was meaningful, it left you with no real idea as to how extensive their help was. Having lived and worked there at Bethel, remembering how many people that would go through on tours on any given day 850 - 900 people being served coffee and pasta as refreshment seems inadequate to the numbers shown streaming across the Brooklyn Bridge. I would love to believe that any and all who crossed the Bridge were offered something whether they chose to accept the help or not. I'm not sure...
Thanks for posting the link to the video clip... I enjoyed it.
felix a (David P)
I Checked out the PR site and read the press release of September 11.
I thought at first this sounds betTer than normal WTS stuff.Everyone will be touched by this tragedy. Comfort and cooperation are the necessary survival kit right now.
Nice sentiments but the link on the underlined portion takes you here
--> http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/2001/8/22/article_01.htmIf you read the series of articles you get to the future predictions. There the WTS states this as comfort to the those suffering PTS:
After describing a worldwide epidemic of trauma and the start of "great tribulation" to follow, note what Jesus said people should do: "Raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near." (Matthew 24:21-31; Luke 21:28) Yes, as world conditions worsen, we can be sure that great tribulation upon this distress-causing system of things will culminate in the end of all wickedness and the ushering in of a righteous new system.—1 John 2:17; Revelation 21:3, 4.
We should not be surprised that our deliverance will come only after wickedness and violence have reached their zenith. God's judgments in the past against the world of Noah's day and the vile inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah followed a similar pattern. Those past executions of divine judgment show what will happen in the future.—2 Peter 2:5, 6.
( http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/2001/8/22/article_03.htm)
So there you have it from the WTS: Suffering? Think this is bad? You ain't seen nothing yet...it's gonna be far worse than this!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
So the witnesses provided food for the people in the lobby or touring!
All witnesses of course!The last thing idd wanna do after seeing something like that is eat!
Idd probably vomit..
I wouldve been impressed if they had a set up to give water to people coming from the scene.
Hello Moxy,
thanks for the information.
To Thirdson and Felix a:
Excellent comments and thanks for the links.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
Well isn't that special. Perhaps the WT Society should do their Church Lady Superiority Dance. "We fed every-one spa-ghe-tti!"
I'm not trying to discount anything nice they might have done, however, releasing a video that is obviously just a blatant attempt at PR, to toot their own horn, is really quite appalling in the midst of this tragedy. I guess if it was designed to show their "brotherhood" what was happening in the eye of the storm in terms of how it affected the WT HQ, that would be one thing. But this being on the media site as a press release? C'mon. They are trying to use it as a preaching tool. IMO, all relgious leaders need to stay off of their pulpits for *at least* a few more days (if not longer!) out of respect for the tragedy and how it is affecting people. There will be plenty of time to shout about the "fulfillment of prophesy" and the like in the weeks to come. But right now, this sort of thing isn't helping ANYONE and may actually add to the feeling of panic for some. Rather than selfishly trying to promote one's beliefs to others, the energy should be towards helping them through this crisis in practical ways. But wait...JW's can't give blood. OH! And can't give to any "worldly" charities. OOPS! And don't forget, wouldn't want to spend any time volunteering - it takes time away from "field service." But I suppose it's only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) before someone amongst the WT crowd figures out a way to get on the bucket brigade with a pocket full of tracts and starts passing them down the line.... :p
Yes, harsh words. But I have no use for those who would use this tragic event as a means to demonstrate their alleged religious superiority. The JW's aren't the only ones doing it, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have done the same. The only thing it serves to do is disunite, which is the last thing this country needs right now. Instead of preaching, they should be picking up shovels, or donating blood, or sending donations of cash or clothing, etc. And after doing those things, NOT turning around and pointing to themselves saying, "This is why you should join my religion. See how good we are?"
On a side note, I used to know Mike Wityk when I attended the Rochester, MI congregation when Washington was sharing halls with them. Actually it was during the time I was a regular pioneer (1988-89), now that I think about it. <g> Regardless of all of the WT shite, I'm glad to see that he got out of the building - I'm glad for all who got out, and I'm praying for those who didn't and their families.
And oh, BTW. I'm arachnia. I've been lurking about here for a few months but this is my first official appearance. ;) It won't happen often I'm sure, as I have my own site to take care of as well as volunteering for Beliefnet, so I keep pretty busy. But this is a great site, I appreciate what's being done here. :)
~arachniaSay not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
-Kahlil Gibran