The Bible teaches that God kills unborn children

by free2beme 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I was thinking about this today, in that so many Christians claim the Bible never speaks of God killing unborn children. They use references to God saying that he would apply the "eye for an eye" rule with the accidental killing of a child in the womb of the woman. Yet, does anyone realize the Bible speaks of the Hebrew God as killing several, numerous, unborn children. Where? Does anyone remember how he killed all the people with the flood of Noah? How he killed all the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah? How he killed everyone in the city of Jericho? Do you not think that in these groups there was not woman with child? The thing is, what the bible really says is that it is okay to kill an unborn child when God does it. Just not when man does it. Basically, do as I say, not as I do. Which as we know, is a great thing for a parent to do and teach their children with. So no wonder we live in a Christian society that is so open to abortion, yet so ignorant as to why.

  • JamesThomas

    Little wonder we live in a world so full of mans inhumanity to man, considering so many worship as "The Most High" that which is a murderous monster.


  • jwfacts

    Even the eye for an eye rule is misapplied in regards to abortion. When two men restled and the child died the culprit was not killed, but had to donate property. This is because the death of the child was not considered murder, but stealing property from the mother.

  • Arthur
    Yet, does anyone realize the Bible speaks of the Hebrew God as killing several, numerous, unborn children. Where? Does anyone remember how he killed all the people with the flood of Noah? How he killed all the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah? How he killed everyone in the city of Jericho?

    Yes, this is a major point of contention that I have always had with those who insist on believing in Biblical irrerancy. It's painful to watch JWs go through pitiful intellectual gymnastics to try to explain all of this away. If Jehovah God wants us to "hate vilolence", then how are we supposed to love "His written word"?

    The Old Testament is some of the sickest literature I have ever read. And fundamentalists want to criticise Dan Brown for writing The DaVinci Code? Please.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    "An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth, leaves the whole world blind and toothless".


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