Is the Adda-Guppi Stele a "pseudo-biography"?

by AuldSoul 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AuldSoul

    I have been unable to find anything to suggest this was anything other than direct dictation by the Queen Mother, herself. If this was direct dictation, it would be an autobiography, not a pseudo-biography.

    I would like to know what source someone might have used to come to the conclusion that the two copies of Nabon H1, A & B are a pseudo-biography. Someone stated this as fact in an email to me, but the statement (in classic JW fashion) was without any source.

    Thank you in advance for your help.


  • AlanF

    AuldSoul wrote:

    : I would like to know what source someone might have used to come to the conclusion that the two copies of Nabon H1, A & B are a pseudo-biography. Someone stated this as fact in an email to me, but the statement (in classic JW fashion) was without any source.

    Some scholars have called this stele a "fictional autobiography" in the sense that it contains material obviously written after her death (see Jonsson's GTR4, p. 116, ftn. 56 for details). However, these same scholars conclude that there is no reason to doubt that the biographical information is correct.


  • Leolaia

    There is short discussion of this issue in the introduction to the text given in the Hallo & Younger volume. I don't have it at hand so I can't say exactly what it says on the matter.

  • AuldSoul

    Thank you both . This place is wonderful!


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