Beware of Dying Religions!

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Why terrorism?

    Kamikaze airplanes appeared towards the end of the war with
    Japan - they were a sign of desperation, of imminent defeat.

    A recent editorial about Bin Laden points out that his group
    doesn't want anything in particular, except for the Western
    world to somehow disappear and a glorious Caliphate restored.
    In fact, their culture and form of religion are becoming obsolete.
    They can rally all the dirt poor people in the street they wish,
    meanwhile an amazing world of wealth and technology is racing
    away from them. Once the oil runs out in thirty years or so,
    they will be irrelevant, forgotten, not even an also ran.
    They feel (rightly so!) that their whole way of life and culture
    will be made meaningless, and thrown into the same dustbin with

    That's why they are so desperate.

    Beware of the desperation of dying religious cultures.

    They can cause suicides (ask JWD).

    Compassion always,


  • DannyBear

    Very interesting comments Met. I just finished posting my own thoughts about the comparison of the fanatical Muslim sect promoting all this hatred, with the WTBS. I don't see much difference a cult is a cult. The WTBS kills with its policies and dogma, in other words they do it in the shadows.

    Enjoyed your comments.


  • Celtic

    I think it works both ways, fair view though.

    Dan - hear hear

    peace to you both


  • Teirce

    That's sharp, metatron. The Witnesses take the life of every person they convert. I had such high hopes, up until Tuesday, that the slaves enchained in the kingdom halls could one day, possibly, arrive at the blinding conclusion that their way of belief had become obsolete. All that had to happen was a little more peace, a little more commerce. All this radicalism has done is given the GB more nets of chain to throw over anyone. Their prophesies are generally maleable to how world events pan out. Bottom line is that they intuitively know at heart that they're the most annoying form of ideologic parasite on the planet, so Of Course they'll be persecuted and banned in many places. Such circular psychology and chasing tails...

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