Sharpening our skills to deal with superiors

by purplesofa 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    This past week I came back to work after being gone a week for my brothers funeral.

    My human resource person comes drooping in where I am sorting though stuff to deliver for the day and says she needs to talk to me......I said OK.......How about now?

    I go in her office and she sits and I sit......she says ......Your job is going to change......and tells me the two things that are going to change.

    She says nothing like Good Morning are you today......glad you are back blah blah blah! She is the first person I see and speak with after being out a week for a funeral.

    Besides all that .....what was changing was based on misinformation from the person that does my job while I was gone.......who was fired yesterday btw......but that is another story.

    I was talking to another person about how this all went down and I said ......WE have to always sharpen our skills to deal with the inadequite way our superiors handle things. She agreed.

    I thought how this is in the organization of JW's. We are constantly told to respect elders and that they are taking the lead, but in so many ways our skills are sharper than theirs. So we lose respect and find it very difficult to keep taking direction from them.

    What was different about my job, is that over the course of the week, I was able to bring this morons stupid stunts to the forefront of my superiors and he did get fired and I was able to keep some dignity and integrity without the drastic changes they first were ordering.

    I think if we as the R/F ever felt like what we said had any bearing on decisions made .......we might not have gotten so discouraged....and investigated the organization as we have. We truely had to sharpen our skills to deal with what was dished out to us.

    Just my thoughts for the evening.......what do you think?


  • Arthur
    I think if we as the R/F ever felt like what we said had any bearing on decisions made .......we might not have gotten so discouraged....and investigated the organization as we have. We truly had to sharpen our skills to deal with what was dished out to us.

    I always found the congregation elders to be very receptive and caring. (with the rare exception)

    But, I do see your point in how the organization has become a large corporate-style machinery that is hostile to individual needs. The cold, objectives of the organization become our method of worship. We must constantly keep running on the treadmill that has been designed by a committee of men that operate within a totalitarian pyramid-like authority structure. Everybody is just expected to shut up, put on a happy face, never say anything even remotely negative about the organization, and keep producing nice looking statistics. If anyone dares to object to any part of this militaristic worship regimen, they are labeled "murmurers" and ungrateful.

    Yeah, what a friggin spiritual paradise that was.

  • Twitch
    We truely had to sharpen our skills to deal with what was dished out to us.

    Much respect for dealing with this bs straight up and with tact after what you've had to deal with recently.

    The workplace enviroment is a cakewalk in comparison to dealing with the mindf*** that the elders and the org have dealt out.

    A matter of degree 'course but it shows a strength.


  • purplesofa
    But, I do see your point in how the organization has become a large corporate-style machinery that is hostile to individual needs. The cold, objectives of the organization become our method of worship. We must constantly keep running on the treadmill that has been designed by a committee of men that operate within a totalitarian pyramid-like authority structure. Everybody is just expected to shut up, put on a happy face, never say anything even remotely negative about the organization, and keep producing nice looking statistics. If anyone dares to object to any part of this militaristic worship regimen, they are labeled "murmurers" and ungrateful

    well said



    Much respect for dealing with this bs straight up and with tact after what you've had to deal with recently.

    Thanks for noticing. The CEO of the company apologized and so did my Human Resource manager.


    I would like to say, we must follow an organization where we are taught to have no say. Mistakes are made with negative repercussions and then with no apologies. Example......It was told years ago that suicide was not a death that would have a resurrection. Now it is told that you can be resurrected. Probably not many have been through suicide deaths in the organization.......but the ones that hope was given to loved ones.

    Education, organized sports, the way we dress, entertainment, blood issue, etc .....these are all merely suggestions from the society, very powerful ones, with huge consequences if not obeyed.

    Because our voice is not heard, there are no discussions.....our skills must sharpen......till the authorities above us get new light.

  • Carmel

    well we were the Jonadab class afterall!

    Glad to see you are sounding better purps!


  • TMS


    Well done and said! There is nothing more satisfying that dealing with a workplace or congregation ambush successfully. Controlling anger/emotions can be so difficult facing condescension, injustice and boorishness without warning.

    With that being said, my experience was usually of winning the battle, but losing the war, so to speak. There is nothing that creates more stress in the workplace or congregation that knowing that you are powerless.


  • purplesofa

    Thanks Carmel!!!

    Yes I am feeling better........

    and TMS..........thanks to you as well.

    Have a great day everyone


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