It's been over 10 years now since my father died. I was a JW at the time. I (foolishly) felt relieved at the time thinking that now he would get a resurrection and wouldn't die at Armageddon. I never grieved.
As a youth (before the borg) I was quite a rebel. I loved and respected my father though and always leapt in and defended him against the verbal abuse from my alcoholic mother. That got me into trouble so I left home at an early age. My father was a meek and good man and we stayed in touch. Later I discovered a cause worthy of my whole hearted dedication - While still in my teens I became a religious fanatic - I so much wanted my father to be in paradise - I was as tactful as I knew how to be but alienated myself from him. Now I have seen the error of my ways an feel the deep sense of loss and regret.
I alienated my self from family and friends gaining what I thought to be new family and friends in the borg - Now I am voluntarily alienated from them as well seeing how shallow it really is. My surviving relatives are still reluctant to have anything to do with me. I lost more than half of my life In spiritual lala land.
Recent world events only highlight to me the evils of religious zealots and narrow minded self interest groups.
I would like to consider some here my new friends.