A question about sex

by Evelyn 2 Replies latest social relationships

  • Evelyn

    Are there any JW's here that are no virgins, but are also not married? I am not a virgin, and not married..does that mean i'll die in armeggedon? Oh! and how is masturbation bad? They say its because you have impure thoughts. But what if a husband was thinking of his wife while doing the deed? Geeze...i just think so many things are ridiculous.

  • Teirce

    Sexual expression by any method was the original identification with the cosmologic wonders and cycles of the seasons, which were invariably identified with a female goddess, a female world, a female origin, Mother of All. That's who the sacred prostitutes were in the temples of Ashtoreth and so forth. Each time they served the male visitors, they embodied the divine goddesses, for a moment, so as to distribute the goddesses' blessing. The Jewish god came along. The male proponents of the male god Jehovah conquered and assimilated the various female goddess elements, and by and large created a focus on ideas rather than sensations. The male Christian interpretation of the Jewish god came along, and severed the natural material sensory world from the spiritual idealist world. The physical body, the planet, the natural creative power embodied in women, all this was villified as sinful. Any sensual attraction or urge arising from the body, particularly dealing with the dangerously meaningful and symbolic sex drive, was now to be sublimated into spiritual, non-sensual interests.

    Back to your question, Any religion that instructs its followers to sublimate their sex drive are actually harnessing the energy of that sex drive and employing/exploiting it. In the case of the Witnesses, they are converting that sublimated creativity and expression through the transmission of a door-to-door gearbox into monetary funds. The Witness won't see a cent of that except in the rare occasions where a disaster causes the informal insurance policy of "brotherly love" to go into effect. Even then, it isn't the Society's money, which is secured.

    One of the most important things that the Socieity does to ensure that no one gets to the real origins of your questions is by forbidding research into other religions. One who does finds out that there were virtually no original religions that didn't revolve around sex. There is a reason that male Christianity denigrates the menstrual cycle of women, that's because it was originally held in awe by primitive cultures, when there were "matriarchal" societies. Female sexuality has been repressed and abused by males because of being "dangerously" addictive, tempting, distracting to the less-powerful, non-alpha males that they must also control. The Witness/Puritan/Amish ideal of covering up their women's sexual attractiveness is as close as they can get to the shawls and mandatory covering of Islamic women as would be tasteful in non-Islamic society. (The book "1984" has other information dealing with how powergroups attempt to control sexuality.)

    Now, if a Witness does not choose to question the supposition that a Satan with his Demon committees has individually orchestrated the vast array of primitive and well-developed religions around the world, then, it's kind of hard to question the other teachings that sexual repression is good for you. So, back to Satan and the Babylon diaspora. Sure, a Satan could be a resourceful and intelligent figure. With the assistance of millions of demons, it's conceivable that they could amongst themselves, develop a culinary smorgasboard of George Lucas-esque diversity in belief ystems. It's conceivable. Does it follow Occam's Razor? No. Are Witnesses allowed to use Occam's Razor as a cognitive instrument? Not admittedly.

    However, logic and simplicity suggests that religious formation was organic and grew of itself, naturally. What are the primary chromosomes? Female XX. Female is the default in every human. The male chromosome was the mutation, and the male species, necessary only for cross-polinating X-chromosomes, was free of maternal, child-caring activities, and was freeto grow strong in physiology. Males were strong than females for a long time while inhabinting with them in awe. Science and agriculturalism led to a greater understanding of the life cycle, and eventually they didn't see as much need to remain in awe. The Jews were the first to take this idea the farthest.

    The brand of belief that Witnesses practice is the culmination of male-dominated anti-sexuality, and is powered only by that guilt-laundering transmission that converts sexual tension into cold hard cash. Therefore, if a Witness chooses to remain in the belief system, they'll be stealing from the organization when they indulge themselves in masturbation. Every instance of it saps the practitioner of that much more frustration that would normally be channelled into seeking money at doorsteps. It is such a dangerous form of theft to the organization because it is so undetectable, particularly for females. Only one person, with little chance of informants - it's the perfect crime.

    So is masturbation bad? Absolutely! It is bad for the Society with zero loss to the individual. They can't pinpoint why, exectly, the practitioner doesn't seem to give a whole 1.0 damn for walking around on sweaty days, and the only way they'll ever find out is if the practitioner "screws up" and does something related to sexual expression with a second person. Think of all that money they will have lost by the time they found them out. And look at all the Kingdom Hall and Circuit Assembly air, carpeting, seating, lighting, and speaker volume they've been using!! Very ungrateful. (I could go on, but..)

  • Bridgette

    How'd you get so smart? I think there were a lot more smiling people when we embraced our sexuality instead of shaming ourselves and others with it. aaaahhhh, the goddess days....

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