i was reading "crises of conscience" and came to a part that described the governing body meetings and how some of the GB were asleep and not realy paying attention to the subject at hand but raised their hands at the end of the meeting just to agree with the new resolution despite how it may affect the bro's and sis of the cong. it reminded me how elders critiqueing my talks and telling me i had to work on a certain point like gestures when i worked damn hard to get checked good on that point and realizing that they weren't paying attention to my talk at all. other times i was marked good on some point that i didn't even bother to read up on in the TMSGB. most of the elders winged it when giving such council, shows how fake and full of falsity they realy are.
giving a talk
by aoxo 4 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know, I personally always like to give elders the benefit of the doubt. I know that so many elders are really burned out and stressed out from the enormous workload that they have.
I know of elders who would mark people "good", because they were concerned about hurting the friend's feelings. I knew of other elders who tried their best, but because of not being very well educated, it was hard for them to perform duties such as overseeing the TMS.
Regarding Raymond Franz's accounts, where did he state that GB members would fall asleep during their meetings? I'm just curious, because I don't remember seeing that when I read it.
The school overseer and his assistant at my kh were always pretty straight. Any criticism, or counsel as they preferred to call it, was usually constructive, and delivered in a gentle manner. The so was one of the more human elders in my congregation.
cyberdyne systems 101
One of the hardest things I had to do was talks. Ok they are only 5 mins long, but often times i'd really struggle with the preparation and waste time reseaching and coming up with lots of irrelevant material (ok now its all irrelevant!) to sift through. And then I found it quite an ordeal to stand up there and give the talk (again i've played in bands live, and although you get nervous, you also get a buzz). It was for me another area that the 'Faithful Slave' had come up with, and we were strongly encouraged to be a part of, and yet their only authority was that it was a loving provision from Jehovah (GB) . As for the Elders that took the school, we had one that tended to praise your efforts - and I found myself wanting to do my best, and then another that always found something for you to work on, which got my back up. In the end i'd say to him 'thats your oppinion'.
CS 101
ps. I remember the falling asleep reference in CoC
arther, there was a referance in CoC when there was a certain older man in the GB that would sleep through the meetings and then at the end would just raise his hand and agree with whatever was being discussed. and yes i also think that a lot of elders were not very well educated enough to decide how good my talks were.