This thought is inspired by hopie's thread about going undercover to rescue her daughter.
I have often wondered if any others have done the same, but for differing reasons?
Before I left, and when I had become aware that something was wrong with the 'men appointed by Holy Spirit' doctrine that elevates elders to the full rank of Pharisee, I considered the possibility of moving to an area in which I was unknown and beginning the correct politics needed to 'make elder'. I wanted to see if I could go from disgruntled, unsure this was even God's organization, to 'elder in shekinah light standing' in less than two years. Mainly to just prove a point - that anyone could do that - even an athiest could do it.
Shortly after, those insane thoughts left my mind and I left the organization behind.
But I always wondered if any others had done the same to test thier doubts in some area or another.
Sorry this thread seemed to be a good idea when I thought of it - now it seems to kind of rambling. Such is the plight of the middle aged mind. LOL