The changes to the Revelation Climax book include deleting all references to the Kingcom Come appendix and instead refers you to the new, 2005 book, What Does the Bible Really Teach, pg 215-218. All comments on secular sources are gone. Just the WT reasoning. Found it interesting that they didn't say Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC, rather it was "conquered" and "fell to the Babylonians" at this time. I suppose they will use this down the road to try to blend secular information with their "story". Any comments??? Little Bo Peep
Revelation Climax Bk = Delete Kingdom Come references
by Little Bo Peep 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
drew sagan
The kingdom come book has been proven in the Gentile Times book to be a complete and utter distortion of the facts. The WTS now simply is trying to make it's members more ignorant of the issues regarding the date, thus making them eaiser to control. The less you know the better in their opionion.
If we can't trust the Kingdom Come book, how can we trust the Revelation Climax book?