The Hope
Promises of everlasting life in paradise earth are held
out to the newly associated individuals. Photographs,
graphic images and artistry which help support the
scriptural understandings of the organization are used
constantly to reaffirm the beliefs.
The People
Individuals who for the most part, seem to be quite whole-
some and very interested in seeing you progress to the
point of baptism. It seems by all accounts that there is a
true international organization seeking to do God's will.
The Organization
It seems to be an organization that strives to carry out
God's will. Individuals hold the organization as God's true
channel of communication and obey its direction unquestion-
ably, even in the face of death.
The Reality
In the beginning it seems very exciting that God has a master
plan that you can become apart of. It is very understandable
how an individual can fall for this "sales pitch." Because most
people with good motivation want and hope for the best.
The Aftermath
Once an individual discovers that he or she has been duped for
as many as 10, 20, 30 or more years, it can become a devast-
ating blow that may require years of psychotherapy.
- Your education was put on hold because the "end is near."
- You do not marry and have a family because "we should be pioneering
in this time of the end." - You do not follow your dreams or a career path because finding sheep
like ones takes on all importance.
I cannot help feeling absolutely stupid and embarrassed and entirely
uncomfortable to mention that I was once one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Would anybody like to share any additional thoughts?
The Wanderer