by Mistah MOJO 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    For the sake of argument let's say that you're a mad Semitic "prophet" writing a few centuries BCE, and you throw some cryptic references into your scroll about the Messiah and some odd chronology as to when he will appear. You make it into an interesting little math game to get and keep the attention of the reader and to give your scroll a mystical mysterious "deep" appearance. You safely place the arrival of the Messiah hundreds of yers in your future.

    Your scroll is widely read because of all the fantastic (in the dictionary sense) verbal imagery and powerful prose and predictions. Guess wht?

    When those hundreds of years pass, your "prophecy" will indeed have "come true." There will be dozens of people claiming to be the Messiah when the proper time rolls around. People seeking power, fame, money, and ego trip, all of the above, will be clamoring for the ear of the public and making their claim. Of course I am referring to the "prophecy" in Daniel that gives a good idea when the Messiah would arrive. Lo and behold (surprise surprise) there were may claimants to that title when the time was right. Was this due to Divine Inspiration? Is that the ONLY reasonable answer?

    Of course not.

    Using Occams Razor we can shave all the horsefeathers off this claim by simply pointing out that its far more likely that, humans being what they are, any such famous well-known "prophecy" will find all too many folks willing to "fulfill" it.

    The same is happening today in the Middle East. Fundamentalists and Evangelicals and other Biblical literalists are convinced that war in the Middle East, a final attack on Israel, etc etc, are "prophesied" in the Bible. So, what do they do? Exactly as the Jews did prior to being annihilated by the Roman army under General Titus. They "force Yahweh's hand" in bringing about the kingdom. What results is their near-extermination.

    Today the same is happening. Republican fundies and evangels support all of these wars, attacks on the enemies of the ersatz Israel, because they believe they are helping to fulfill Bible prophecy and bring about the Great Trib, the Rapture, etc. If you doubt this you need to peruse fundy sites dealing with their belief they are forcing Yahweh's hand.

    These Bible "prophecies" will indeed come true, to an extent, when the war of wars breaks out in the middle east and finally involves the world in a thermonuclear holocaust. There will be no meek to inherit the earth, however, and it will not be a paradise. MM

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Yo Mo

    Today the same is happening. Republican fundies and evangels support all of these wars, attacks on the enemies of the ersatz Israel, because they believe they are helping to fulfill Bible prophecy and bring about the Great Trib, the Rapture, etc. If you doubt this you need to peruse fundy sites dealing with their belief they are forcing Yahweh's hand.

    Did you ever think people are supporting the war on terror because we just don't want to give in to Muslim hatred? Would you like to see Israel destroyed? After they are done with Israel would you like to convert to Islam or see the US destroyed? Or do you think that Islam doesn't have these goals?

    These Bible "prophecies" will indeed come true, to an extent, when the war of wars breaks out in the middle east and finally involves the world in a thermonuclear holocaust. There will be no meek to inherit the earth, however, and it will not be a paradise, MM

    So tell us MM, how would you make peace in the region?

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Greetings Deputy Dawg!

    I will attempt, in my humble and unschooled manner, to answer your reply. Be patient with me for I am not as clear a thinker as you are, and my vocabulary could stand some work.

    I do in fact surf the Internet a great deal as part of my livlihood, since I'm a freelance writer under several pseudonyms, and it['s necessary that I stay abreast of the news. As part of this activity I read a great many (far too many for my digestive system to not becoming irritable) fundy and evangelical sites. When one can "get past" the screeching, the shouting, the mindless parotting of Bible verses, the predictable non-answers (just like Jo Jo's Witlesses), one one is left with is a residue of anger, hatred, bigotrry, and stupidity. Now then:

    This post is not about peace in the Middle East, nor how to attain it. This post is about Biblical "prophecy" and how those who believe these prophecies to be Divinely inspired bring their "fulfillments" to pass. So, it would have been much more enjoyable to have read your thoughts on the actual post topic. However, I can tell by the tone and content of your response that you are in fact a Bible Republican. So, in a gentle spiriti of warm fuzzies n stuff, I will answer your post.

    You wrote: "Did you ever think people are supporting the war on terror because we just don't want to give in to Muslim hatred? Would you like to see Israel destroyed? After they are done with Israel would you like to convert to Islam or see the US destroyed? Or do you think that Islam doesn't have these goals?"

    One of the most precious things I learned in college was critical thinking. To question all of my assumptions, presumptions, and suppositions. I know one can get through college without really having thought much at all (especialy if it's a Bible "college") but thankfully such was not my fate. So I ask you DD:
    Do you have the wherewithal to see the irony in your question? Here you are professed foot-step follower of the Prince of Peace (you know, the one who said such things as "love thy neighbor" "do unto others" "reward evil with good" "turn the cheek" you know, all that non-apocalyptic ethical and moral material you fundies love to ignore in favor of gee-whiz Bible prophecy) and you're talking to me about fighting Muslim "hatred" with more hatred? Fight fire with fire! Why not get your head out of your...old testament and give Jesus and Paul a read? You're a gentile who was never under the Law Covenant, so quit running to the OT to seek ethical and moral guidelines for yourself as a Christian under the New Covenant! It would be so nice to see the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, "LOVE JOY PEACE PATIENCE KINDNESS GOODNESS FAITHFULNESS GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL" demonstrated in the collective behavior of the Fundiot Community.

    You have ZERO FAITH in the commands of Christ on these matters, so you and your ilk come up with clever ways around these ethical commands with the most inventive Pharisaic sophistry imagininable, culminating in such DRECK as "dispensationalism" where all these inconvenient commands of Christ are safely relegated to some theoretical future Millennial Kingdom. That way, you can read those words, and feel and warm n fuzzy, but never feel the least compunction to actually BELIEVE AND OBEY! As I said, you lsck any faith that these methods ACTUALLY WORK! So you follow the commands of the evil god of this age, Satan, and follow his spirit of war and anger and hate! It took a HINDU, Mohandas Gandhi, to demonstrate that the methods of Christ actually work! Certainly not you "Christians" who wouldnt know Jesus if he passed you on the street.

    "What? LOVE one o' them goddam MOOSLIMS? Whah, I'd ratha SHOOT EM UP lahk my REAL Gawd, JEHOVAH OF ARMIES wants me to!"

    Have you considered that when you abandoned Jehovah A for Jehovah B (when you left WTS for EBS) you submitted to an even worse lunatic? At least Jo Jo of the WTS was only going to destroy "the unsaved" but YOUR Jehovah is going to THROW THEM INTO HELL TO BE TORTURED FOREVER! Now, remind me again, how is this an improvement? At least the Jehovah's Witnesses have enough sense to see that Jesus told his followers to NOT GO TO WAR! To be NO PART OF THE WORLD! But I digress...

    Would I like to see Israel destroyed? No more or no less than I want to see Russia destroyed or China destroyed. Or France destroyed. Its so damned sad that you fundiots cant think for yourselves, but have to believe what some greasball that seems like a used car salesman has to say about the Bible. The Bible is very clear that Christians are to be no part of the world...friendship with the world is enmity with God...we are ambassadors of Christ...our citizenship is in Heaene...the wepons of our warfare are not fleshly...we must obey God as ruler rather than men..but instead of actually OBEYING you follow the zeitgeist, the world-spirit. Praise the Lard and pass the ammo! Read Romand and galatians for yourself sometime, without someone else telling you "what it means." Show me in THE NEW TESTAMENT:

    That Christians are supposed to militarily support "Israel." Book: _____________ Chapter: _________________ Verse: _________________

    That Christians are supposed to KILL for "Israel" Book: _____________________ Chapter: ________________ Verse: _________________

    Well? SHOW ME!

    Do I want to see the USA destroyed? Of course not. Do I foolishly think, as you do, that by printing "In God We trust" on our money and mentioning a Creator in our founding documents that we are thereby constituted a Theocracy in the eyes of God? That God was therby duty bound to make us the New Israel in his or her eyes? If so, why the fuss about the so-called "State of Israle/" Have you never read the Bible, Galatians I think, where Paul said we are neither male nor female, Greek nor Jew, slave or freedman in Christ, but are all ONE?" Thats why Christ said, 'MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD1 IF IT WERE, THEN would my people fight!"

    Jesus didnt say "all men shall know you are my disciples by kicking Muslim ass for Jews" but by their LOVE. Is ANY of this getting thru that fundiot hide of yours?

    ALL of your questions betray a COMPLETE LACK OF FAITH IN GOD AND CHRIST! You're afraid to say it, but whats going on in the back of your mind is: "Geez, if we actually OBEY Christ then..then..oh man all this bad stuff is going to happen!" So what if it does? Whats more important, obeying man or Jesus? Do I want to see USA convert to Islam? They seem only marginally more insane, violent, worldly, militarily besotted, war-mongering than American Fundiots. So, I dont really care. Islam can have any goals it wants, but I'll follow my own drummer come what may. Too bad you lack the conviction of your convictions. Now, if you're going to reply to my posts then follow the rules and STAY ON TOPIC. M'k? M'k. -MM

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    No, I do not believe the NT is the inerrant and infallible Word of God. If I did, I would OBEY it, knowing that my Internal Density...ummm..Eternal Destiny was at stake. By shoving your face in the NT, I am hoping to help you and other "Christians" here snap out of the eerie mental state you're in. Very much as the Jehovah's Witnesses are blind, you are equally so. Just blind on different matters, in different ways. Stop trying to fit in with the evangelical crowd, step out and be your own man, learn that NT on your own and OBEY it!

    "As for me and my household, we will serve lime jello."


  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    My response circumnavigates the Globe Of Biblical Lunacy to bring me right back to my original post: By their beliefs, lack of faith, their weird ideas, attitudes, priorities, ignorance, gullibility, herd-mentality, and what have you, the Fundy and Evangel show is bringing us to a place where these Bible rantings will be "fulfileld" and we will all be Holy Ghost Toast.


    "As for me and my household, we will serve poptarts"

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