OK, here is something you haven't read on this board. I don't get on any other boards & not here very often but thought I'd get your reactions on this event in my life. My 24 yoa married daughter (2 years married) decided to go back to school to finish her degree. The kicker is that she got a cheerleading scholarship and will be one of the top cheerleaders. The other kicker is that she will be living 6 hours away, so she and hubby will meet every few weeks as he is busy working. It broke me up when she first told me this is her dream, and he was OK with it. I tried to get her to look at closer schools but this one fits her purposes. They have no kids, I guess I am just a traditionalist but with the divorce rate growing higher and higher it concerns me. She worked on the idea for about a year, got her loans etc. and is now there at school.
She's always marched to a different drummer, creatively, than the rest of the world, and that is why we all love her. But this worries me still. I know there are more crucial situations people deal with, but it has stressed me. I've accepted her decision, as long as her husband has, but I still don't like the distance thing.