It's America's fault -- say these religionists

by Gopher 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    Unbelievable. This story just came across the Associated Press newswire this morning. Here is the link:

    Now here's the story:

    Robertson, Falwell: U.S. Vulnerable
    By CHRIS KAHN, Associated Press Writer

    The Rev. Jerry Falwell and religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said the United States was vulnerable to this week's terrorist attacks because the nation has insulted God and lost divine protection.

    ``God Almighty is lifting his protection from us,'' Robertson said in a four-page statement issued Thursday by his Christian Broadcasting Network.

    ``We have imagined ourselves invulnerable and have been consumed by the pursuit of ... health, wealth, material pleasures and sexuality.''

    Falwell, a Baptist minister and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., said Thursday on Robertson's religious TV program ``The 700 Club'' that he blames the attacks on pagans, abortionists, feminists, homosexuals, the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) and the People for the American Way.

    ``All of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen,''' Falwell said.

    He added later, ``God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.''

    ``Jerry, that's my feeling,'' Robertson responded. ``I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror. We haven't even begun to see what they can do to the major population.''

    Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization, said Friday the comments of Falwell and Robertson ``were stunning. They were beyond contempt. They were irresponsible at best, and a deliberate attempt to manipulate the nation's anger at worst.''

    Robertson, who founded the Christian Coalition and unsuccessfully ran for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination, said in his statement Thursday that Americans have insulted God by allowing abortion and ``rampant Internet pornography.'' He also chided the U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) for, among other things, limiting prayer in public schools.

    ``We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye,'' Robertson wrote. ``We have insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then, we say, 'Why does this happen?'''

    Robertson was among conservative religious figures who backed President Bush (news - web sites) in last year's election. A White House official called the remarks ``inappropriate'' and added, ``the president does not share those views.''

    Falwell said Friday that he didn't mean to blame any one group.

    ``But I'd say this is a wake up call from God,'' Falwell told The Associated Press. ``I feel our spiritual defenses are down. If we don't repent, then more events might happen in the future.''

    Bill Leonard, dean of the Wake Forest University Divinity School in Winston-Salem, N.C., compared Falwell's and Robertson's comments with militant Islamic rhetoric that has been condemned worldwide.

    ``It trivializes theology. It trivializes the dead,'' Leonard said.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Satanus

    These christian cults still use the cult technique of guilt. It's good for business. But guilt cripples people. Sad, very sad.


  • Norm

    Hi Gopher;

    [red]The Rev. Jerry Falwell and religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said the United States was vulnerable to this week's terrorist attacks because the nation has insulted God and lost divine protection.

    ``God Almighty is lifting his protection from us,'' Robertson said in a four-page statement issued Thursday by his Christian Broadcasting Network.

    ``We have imagined ourselves invulnerable and have been consumed by the pursuit of ... health, wealth, material pleasures and sexuality.''

    Isn't it wonderful how these dysfunctional people demonstrate their idiocy for us all to see? This kind of "thinking" if we can call it that, is of course quite consistent with the Bible as it shows that God is a dysfunctional whiner who occationally kill a few thousand humans to get people's attention.

    Quite a role model for any terrorist, right?


  • logical
    ``But I'd say this is a wake up call from God,''

    NO WAY. This was down to man and his wickedness alone... God did not and would not do this.

  • JT

    As I have state so many times before the problem lies in:

    1. this concept call "God"
    2. folks beliefs systems

    We see that each belief system be it muslum/christian, etc they all are Hell bent on defining WHAT THE WILL OF GOD IS

    now "God" see that his kids down here on earth are totally confused on WHO HE IS, WHAT HE WANTS, and list goes on and on
    now consider this:

    Bin Lauden feels exactly the same way- he feels that the usa has insulted HIS GOD and needs to be taught a lesson- which is the same thing that old Jerry and Pat feel and believe- just on the other end of the table-

    i do have to agree with the Bible on this point:


    you all know the text- the guy will think he did god a favor-

    and we see that mindset in almost all belief systems how sad

    but hey you got to love a god who watches all this stuff It must be like having "Heavenly HBO" for him


  • think41self

    Then perhaps Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson would like to go live somewhere else?

    I for one would not miss them. They can take any like minded followers with them. I'm sure with the direction of the holy spirit they can find whatever country or island that God is now benevolently protecting with his almighty blessing.


    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."

  • Gopher

    Good points, SS, Logical, and JT.

    Norm, yes religionists can take whatever "Holy Book" they have and use it for kindness or for narrow-minded cruelty, whichever they choose. We know the track record of the likes of Falwell. Ugh.

    Tracy, LOL. I'd love to see the door hit them on their posteriors on the way out! Your point is good, they better shut up and enjoy their freedoms here, which apparently include the freedom to be stupid.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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