I know that several of you have recently lost a pet (lovelylil, alana & aude). I have spent the last several days w/ my BF whose cat has cancer. Actually a malignant tumor on his lungs. He is unable to get rid of fluids and is on a diuretic. My GF knows that it is only a few days if that before she will have to put him down. Her vet who is a great man, gave her signs to look for to know when it is time to put Sam down and when it is time, she is to call him and he will come to her house and administer the meds to put Sam down.
First of all to those who have recently lost their pets, my heart goes out to you all. I have never cried as much as I have over the last two days. When my father died of lung cancer, it was sad but I always knew that he understood what was happening and was at peace with everything. The same with my grams, when she passed. But with a pet, you feel so helpless. It is up to you to decide when it is the right time. You never know what is really happening with them physically, you can only guess and hope that you are right.
Sam is a great cat. He is only 12. He is a gray cat w/ black stripes. He was always indifferent to the women that filled his life. We would hold him and kiss on him and drag him out of his favorite spot (the closet, sitting on my GF's shoes). He would just give us a look of general disgust and go back to what he was doing before (generally sleeping)
Even though I am not Catholic (I am agnostic) my GF is and we said a prayer to St. Frances of Assisi who is the patroned saint of animals (and environment).