Anybody have the answer? Do they ask for the "privilege" or are they asked?
How does an elder get the job of baptizing new ones?
by truthseeker 6 Replies latest jw friends
Why do you want to know? Are you tired of your attendant assignment of holding the sign that says: "Please Keep Moving"?
I don't believe you have to be an elder. I know I've seen ministerial servants do it. I don't know how they get the job, however. Someone probably asks them to.
Maybe there's an application....
1. If someone has second thoughts, could you prevent them from escaping the pool? Y/N
If no, why not?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. If someone you knew were to come into the baptismal pool, would you jokingly hold their head under water for a long time? Y/N
If yes, could you keep it to 30 seconds or less? Y/N
3. An elderly sister gingerly wades into the pool. You...
a. Do nothing.
b. Lovingly help her out, making sure to be gentle when performing the baptism.
c. Stand around and pretend to help while other brothers do choice b.
4. If you spotted a young sister in line who has indecently dressed, would you push the other brothers out of the way to baptize her? Y/N
If yes, when would you like your judicial committee to begin?____________________________________________________________________
5. Do you urinate in the pool? Y/N
If yes, would you blame a younger brother? Y/N
Those in charge of organizing the baptism making sure everything runs smooth can ask anyone in good standing but it seems it's always the elders or ms.
They are invited to do it.........................although I knew one MS............elder wanna be ask to be put on the team. And since most of his family were on it ................they let him
when our circuit split and two congregations got moved that meant that a number of jobs had to be re assigned..i was asked to do baptising..this was quite a surprise..i had thought i might have been asked to do platform..
i quite enjoyed it but then i was happy to do anything i was asked..(i never had to ask for anything)
then a new co was assigned to the circuit..ray midgeley..and he noticed i wasnt wearing a white t-shirt..i was wearing a just wasnt wasnt bright red didnt have slogans or just wasnt was a pale beige..but not white...not offensive in any way...just not white.
anyway ray comes to speak to me to tell me that i must wear a white t-shirt..he waves a letter in front of my eyes saying that these were the assembly instructions and it says that a white t-shirt must be worn..
hmmm i thought..why not just show me where it says so..anything that i have read about baptisms said that it was not necessary to wear a t-shirt but that if they were worn they were to be modest and befitting the occasion..and since this was the same co that told us the society says we were not to wear nike shoes, watch the lion king, visit centre parcs then i admit to taking any society directions from him with quite a large pinch of salt.
anyhoo it was my last assembly before i moved congregations at the request of a different c.o so i went with the t-shirt i a result of which when i moved ray sent a letter to the congregation i was moving to explaining that i had defied him with regard to the t-shirt incident and that i wasnt to be trusted.
if the org procedure was to wear a white t-shirt i would have worn was merely one individuals opinion..along with suits at all times on the beards on appointed men etc etc etc...and the power to enforce it
can you say the word petty