Mulan, Princess and Venice visit a mosque

by Mulan 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    On Friday afternoon, the 3 of us were driving to the Mall, and went past the mosque by my house (about a mile away). There were large groups of Muslims coming out, from Friday afternoon prayers. Also there, were cars that had stopped to lay flowers by their sign, which had been defaced that day by some idiot. The men were shaking hands and talking to the people putting out the flowers.

    I asked Princess to slow down because I wanted to say something to them. I rolled down the window and a man came over to the window. I don't recall exactly what I said, but it was something like "we don't blame you." He was so sweet, and shook my hand.

    When we drove back by, we had a large bouguet of gladiolas we had bought at Costco, and put it with the other flowers, and decided we should identify ourselves as having been the ones who left them, since the crowd was gone now. I put in one of my business cards, and Princess left a note.

    We went to a movie that night, and came back to see if the flowers were still there, and there were some of the Muslim men guarding the place I think. We got out to check on the flowers and one came over to see what we wanted, (I was in my husband's BIG truck, so may have looked suspicious, and we are blonde so don't look like we belond there......) and I told him we had left flowers there earlier, and were concerned because we hadn't put them in water. Someone had brought a 5 gallon bucket of water, and all the cut flowers were in that bucket. He asked if we were neighbors and I said we were. He was so grateful for the love and support of the neighborhood.

    I am very happy we did that. It felt good.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • bigboi


    That was a very good thing to do. I have made some strong statements here lately. I feel I have to say that my anger isn't against all Muslim ppl. I know that the vast majority are appalled by what happened. Down here in New Orleans we've had a Red Cross drive to help out those in NYC. During the last four days we've been able to raise damn near 2 million dollars for the Red Cross. That's amazing considering that New Orleans is not a really affluent community. Kids were coming giving their little piggy banks. Some of them didn't even know how much they had in them. One homeless guy walked up and gave all the money he had to the effort. We have a sizable Arab community down here and a lot of them have contributed to the effort. That's one of the amazing things about crises like this. They bring out the best in everybody and show that ppl really do have fellow feeling for one another, contrary to what we taught about them for so many yrs.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • outnfree

    You guys are GREAT!!!

    We all must be very cautious not to be bigots who paint all people of Middle Eastern descent or all Muslims with the same brush. There should be NO REPEAT of WWII Internment Camps.

    On the other hand, I am becoming more militant by the minute, and think that Inquisition-like torture methods are too good for the masterminds and money-men behind this plot and the people who harbor these death-dealing fanatics!

    Peace to those who wish it upon themselves AND us.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Mulan

    We have a large Muslim population in my little town too. Many Somalians have settled here, and many, many Pakistanis, and some Turks too. The women are notoriously absent from the shopping areas. They are usually so visible with their scarves, or their long robes, and head covers. I assume they are afraid. So sad.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • ITguy

    What you did was very touching and I'm sure meaningful to those people. I had the same thoughts last week, that if I saw anyone of arabian decent I was going to be sure to be kind to them, as I'm sure they'll be getting plenty of grief, dirty looks and perhaps more. I tried to see if there were any Muslim mosques in the area, and do not know of any.

    Well done to the three of you.

  • joelbear


    Thanks for posting this. I went through a period of anger towards Arabs, but have now had more time to process the incident and reflect on it.

    Sincere Muslims are no different from sincere believers of any faith. 99% of them just want to get along with others. Unfortunately in every group the other 1% can cause an enormous amount of trouble. That is true of christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, buddhist or pagan fanatics.

    Thanks for sharing this experience.



  • ZazuWitts

    Venice, Princess and Mulan

    Thanks good ladies, that was an act of compassion. I'm sure it was much appreciated and gave a measure of relief to your Muslem neighbors.

    Our daughter owns an organic grocery/health food store. One of her regular customers, Fatima, is a Muslem woman (Jordanian) who wears the traditional garb. She hadn't been seen out in public at all in their small town - so our daughter phoned her - she learned that Fatima was so frightened, and afraid to leave her home. Our daughter took her order over the phone and delivered it to her door, to a most grateful and obviously freightened young woman.

    The Islamic Center here is also under guard, due to threats of various natures. It's a shame that the majority of Muslem adherents in this country are taking the flack for a band of extreme radicals.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Unfortunately, at times like this, people are so frustrated and angry that they want to do SOMETHING even if it means attacking innocent people.

    I hope that people begin to get their priorities straight and concentrate on finding out who the real criminals are.

    Good for you, Mulan!

  • Bridgette

    Dear Mulan and Co.
    I am so glad you posted this. What a ray of hope as well as an example. I have been trying to think of ways to show support and love to those who may be suffering undue repurcussions because of this. We do not want to become the evil we puport to abhor.
    Joel bear,
    You are right most humans, in fact all of us are born, wanting to love one another. It's the few radicals that occasionally stir up trouble. Wouldn't it be great that, instead of this being a devisive thing, it turns out to be a uniting factor of humans within every organization, national boundary, etc. It kind of looks like that's the way it's shaping up. Those whose natural inclination is to love are doing so, and even some of the harder hearts are softening. No religion can wall off peoples' humanity forever.

  • Pathofthorns

    Thank you Mulan for the post, and good for all of you ladies.

    The violence and hatred toward all Muslims and Arabs and Pakistanis in the wake of the tragedy is really sickening. Too many people are painting everyone with the same brush.

    Even many of the comments made on this board, use of derogatory terms, some by posters I thought i had respected are rather disappointing. I hope more can focus on bringing criminals to justice instead of hating an entire group of people, the culture of which few have made an effort to understand.

    Again ladies, I'm sure your gesture was very much appreciated.



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