(I hope this makes sense)
Mr. Sanders asked about 1000 people to buy his chicken recipe before he had a taker.
Men in bars will ask 100 girls a night and if only one says yes, the purpose is served.
Jw's ask the whole damn world and yep...they still have takers.
What about you? How do you feel about playing the odds in life?
Do you apply for 100 jobs...hit on 100 people, read a hundred books in the hopes that just one of those ideas will stick?Do you make 100 friends, play the lotto, test drive everything 100 times?
I was a JW I always was a bit bugged that first came jah,
then came Jesus, Then holy spirit, Angels, annointed, and then all of the governing body
followed by the overseer, the the presiding overseer, the elders, then the MS'ers,
all of the males, then all of the pioneers and old people, then the husband. .........................then the wife....if her husband allowed and it did not look bad to the neighbors, and it was in concideration of the whole congregation again. ..
I always thought the cheese stands alone in that situation. It always felt as if I were the last person picked on the baseball team. Not very flattering. I had to check with a thousand everything** in order to put on the correct skirt length. Then if I was wrong I was about the 1000th person they would listen to. I was told that women were to be cherished (just AFTER everyone else)
Did you ever want to be number one? Skip all the others and you get a say?
And when you are picked after 100 people for a promotion, a date, a person that needs to be listened to, for friends, and in the picking of a guest list............................ do you feel like a one in a million.....................................? Or the last one picked?