There was a funeral for an ex elder recently. Out of about 150 attending the service only 5 JW's who weren't immediate family attended. This is because the ex elder was viewed as 'turning his back on Big J'. He was not disfellowshipped as far as I know but he was unofficially viewed as 'Apostate' for daring to speak the bleedin' obvious. He had stopped attending maybe 2 years ago but since then developed a fatal illness.
I had aurguement with one of my relatives still in for not attending and showing support for the bereaved family. It appears all the years of friendship counted for nothing. I believe no JW's attended for fear of being seen attending. I know though that deep down some must have felt shame for not showing respect and support to the widow for a man who suffered greatly at the end of his life.
Are there any guidelines in their literature as what to do in these circumstances.
Thomas Covenant