The Restaurant
The cozy little establishment nestled in the upscale side of town is
comfortably air conditioned, richly adorned, dimly lit with soft music
to accommodate its clientele. It also carries a French theme which
gives it that Euro flavor.
The Arrival
The District Convention had just concluded in Daytona Beach and a number
of well dressed, handsome men with convention badges pinned to their
Italian suits accompanied by attractive young women, some with very
elegant dresses, beautifully patterned with floral designs, entered the
French restaurant.
The Apostate and The Apologists
Little did they suspect that a former one of their own was working as
a waiter in the restaurant in which they were about to dine in. The
scene could be described as awkward and as extremely
uncomfortable for all parties involved.
Oh, No, They recognized me!
Cold blank stares accompanied by their beaming eyes and twisted facial
expressions, said it all. Oh, well, have to break the ice somehow?
"Good evening," only one of the thirteen dared to offer some sort of
greeting. Apparently, she was not aware of the waiter who disfellowshiped
the Watchtower Society, the "apostate" within her midst.
Did not have to take the table
Fortunately, they did not sit in my section of the restaurant. Nevertheless,
it was an experience that I could do without. It struck me that I too, once
"belonged" to them and I could not help but wonder, "How in the world did
I ever become involved with a "religion" known as the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society?"
Something's in life cannot be fathomed.
The Wanderer