To: Deacon

by Amazing 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I brought your comment out from my "Hammer" post because it seems like a separate issue:

    You said,

    "it would have been amazing, amazing, if you had concurred with any of the points I made."

    I would have if I had found something to concur with.

    "Why do you feel the need to justify yourself in the other side of your life? We only see what you post here, and in the expressions and terms and emotions that you choose to display as and when you post."

    You attacked my personal and entire life by your judgmental comments. For example:

    You said,

    "Amazing, In getting in touch with your emotions, and incited to war. You may no longer be an anointed JW, or indeed may have lost faith in God or christianity in the process, I dont know, and frankly.....but you also lost the fruitages of humanity and replaced them with a display of animalistic behavior in words and intent"

    You use expression like 'animalistic behavior' and having lost the 'fruitage of humanity' regarding me in a broad-brush statement. These words of your address far more than my posted comments, but rather attack my very character. Therefore, I spoke of my business and professional life to demonstrate that in reality my conduct would be just that were I entrusted with a political office.

    You continued to attack me in 'ad hominem' style by saying,

    " ... you have lost the good things about being human and replaced them with the worst side ... misplaced patriotism ... you and other would have plunged us, including those of us that have lost friends, into a conflict that we did not want or see as sorting out the problems ... and given us NO choice in the process."

    Hence my statement that you are judgmental to say that I have "lost the good things about being human" etc. PS: As far as the terrorist issue, we are already plunged into it at the good pleasure of the extremists factions that bashed airplanes into the Twin Towers. They are as we speak developing Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons. Do you have reason to believe that they will not use them? They they will somehow awaken to the horrid evbils these weapons can unleash? I don't, and I submit that these maniacs must be stopped, even if by some military action, so as to disable their ability to produce such weapons.

    You continued,

    "The government may yet listen to the opinions of people like you and waste further lives in the pursuit of angry revenge ... time will tell."

    You say that you only know me from this forum, yet you then carry out tour fantasy that I, andn those of my views, would somehow influence
    the government into further waste of life. This is where you misx up fantasy and reality.

    You concluded,

    "You are no longer amazing to me ... just very human with a lot to say ... just dont include me in warmongering ... Ive been in the trenches ... literally"

    Have you been in the military? Have you been in real live combat? I followed your statement to see what you mean, and then you say this as part of your paragraph in flow with your 'trenches',

    " ... Ive been in the KH ... its all happened before ... terrorism plus patriotism equals loss of life ... every time ... history proves it."

    What in the goddamn hell are you talking about kiddo? What has the KH to do with military combat? This was where you lost me in your confusion between fantasy and reality. Yes, war and terrorism does equal loss of life, as we saw when the nations had to stop Hitler. What would you have had them do? It was a necessary war because Hitler made it so. But to mix in patriotism as somekind of problematic characteristic is very unfair and wrong. Patriotism has a place, and Americans and its allies have shown a good balacne between self-criticism and the time to be patriotic. Fanatical patriotism is bad because ti takes a good quality and mixes in cultish control and propaganda t create a radical state.

    You state,

    "Yes, this is a discussion board, and in venting, and in emoting, and in stating intent ... you open yourself up to letting out the real you ... and in return you gainsay, as is your intent, opinions and rebuttals and concurrences of your stated words."

    That is a no brainer. And I am well heeled in the ways of these forums, and can hold my own. But, I do contend that the real me is far more controlled and professional when conducting myself in real life. This forum does allow me to vent a little more than I feel free to do so when dealing with others in real serious business when I represent them in court, etc. This forum provide the balance I enjoy. But, in no way would I take the 'actions' in real life that you allege. And remmember they are your allegations, and not my specific statements of what I would do. You read into what I said if you think otherwise.

    These forums are a part of real life, but they are a different venue for a different purpose. I have no doubt that various world leaders, including Pres. Bush, Clinton, Gore, etc. say tings in private that they would never say when engaging for real in the business of the public. I am sure Clinton has said in private that he would love to 'nuke' the terrorists. But that does not mean he would were he the Presdient still.

    So, I also submit that what I say here, even were I to suggest something radical, is not at all how I would act were I a memer of the government.

    You now say,

    "I understand you very well. My reading comprehension is above average. I am not as ignorant or judgemental as you may like to infer, or indeed state, but as always, you are entitled to your opinion."

    You comments do all the inferring, and I merely quoted them above for you to see what you said. You did without question paint me in a broad brush fashion using personal 'ad hominem' attack on my character. It is not my opinion, but your statements that give you away.

    You now say,

    "You refer to blurring fantasy with reality. Hmm ... When your fantasy of killing people for the emotion of anger inside to be avenged, turns into a reality, and you are on the other end of the weapon of death ... it turns into a nightmare ... one in which you will never escape ... and spend the rest of your life justifying."

    You now, by your words accuse me of fantasizing about killing people. What an inane and and assinine thing to accuse me of, or even suggest! I have been face with a gun pointed at me three times in my life. I have also held a gun and killed with animal life it. I have never pointed a gun at a person, and never intend to unless it is in self-defense. I have no desre for such. I cannot say exactly what I would do were I to be in that situation. And I dare say that your characterizations are wild specualtions about me, someone you really do not know.

    You then conclued by saying,

    " thank you for your uggestions, I thank you for explaining that you really are a cool calm and collected person ... and I thank you for making me realise that your posts didnt really mean what they said ... and you were just venting."

    I meant the things I said, but with some clarification and moderation. It was not as though I was saying things that I never meant. But, your concluding remarks attempts to force me with cunning into a black or white corner - as tough to say I either meant or did not mean what I said, with no allowance for the middle ground that I can mean what I say, but add clarification and moderation. Very good move, but it will not work on me.

    Then you make this interesting comment,

    "Strange ... when schoolkids wrote on websites that they hated teachers and other kids and wanted to kill them ... they were arrested."

    Yes, they were. Different situation. But, again, your attempt at being sublime will not work. I never stated that I wanted to kill anyone. I did say, and still say that I do believe that the terrorists need to be executed wither viw military action or with the death penalty. And that is a far different situation. Not something I want to do, but something I support in the context of natinal self-defense, natinal security, and though the appropriate level of authorized action by our elected leaders.

    I am not insulted by your post, but I recognize you as trying to say something when you really say nothing but making character attacks, and then trying to look smart. Amazing

  • larc


    I tend to side with Amazing on this one. After reading his posts over time, and his recent posts here, it is clear to me that Amazing spoke out of anger and frustration and explained himself fully after he had calmed down some.

    Have you ever spoken angry words you later regret? Have you ever injured another person by not only by words but by deeds. Of course you have. The only difference between you and Amazing, is that Amazing had his heart on his sleeve here, since he felt comfortable doing so. You, on the other hand, are a very private person, probably for good reason.

  • Deacon

    a private person...
    You would know me...

    In a past life I was one of those people that used to put humans together after anger and revenge pulled them apart....after listening to angry and frustrated soldiers (amazings) them go out go out and kill a few people.

    You spoke of Amazing explaining himself fully..after he calmed down....

    After these guys calmed was too late.

    I think there is a common assumption here that everyone is in control of themselves...Im afraid that isnt the heat of the anger, with a weapon in hand...someone is dead...
    rationalising afterwards...well..too late.

    Mr Amazing has spent a lot of time justifying his stance, his words, and his opposition to my fantasies. I wish that he wouldnt confuse me, confuse me with someone who really cares a jot. Bottom line here, someone like me, will go out and pick up the pieces of another dead or hurt human...who got caught in the jingoistic crossfire of wearing his heart on his sleeve people.

    Well Mr Amazing...are you now completely happy that you have defended your position with a whole topic devoted to me? I should be flattered, but really all I see is the blusterer that you are.

    You now state there is a difference in how you would act as a member of government to your stated message on the board.
    You also stated that you were anointed as one of the "remnant" whilst a practising Jehovahs Witness. Was that another acting and speaking different phase you go through? Was being a Jehovahs Witness not enogh for you? Was it another wearing emotion on your sleeve?
    Just where do you have consistency Amazing..?

    People like you make me really angry for those that are taken in by your apparent position of authority. Farkel has already called you on it...I just see the inconsistency of you as a person travel through your writings.

    Ther was a whole paragraph missing in my post, hence the conjunction of military and kingdom hall happens...and I cant remember the context, so I will chalk that victory to you.

    I believe at this juncture, the best thing to do is that I cease communications with you as a contributor on this thread. We have differing viewpoints and fundamentally are poles apart on ethics and accountability...

    I leave the last word to will take it anyway.

  • Farkel


    Please write me.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Amazing

    Deacon: I broke this post out to you so as to devote time to each and every comment you made, exactly as you made it. If anything was left out, it was you that did so. You KH and military comment were exactly as you wrote them, and fail to make any sense.

    I also asked you several questions that you did not answer. Rather, you continue to ramble on about some 'authority' and how Farkel has called me one something. Again, ramblings and nonsense. I never made any such claims, I do not feel that I have any particular authority, and I have never been called in on the carpet by Farkel that I recall. I do recall a situation about a year ago in a private situation where I believe that Farkel misunderstood something I said. But that would not be something you would know of.

    I find that people who have a fear of 'authority' complex in situations like this where it is not called for, are those who are more likely to be over-sensitive. I do carry myself with definitiveness in many situations, but I am anything but an authority figure.

    As for last word, well that is your choice. I neither look for last words, nor seek to have them. When I see someone say BS about me, I call them on it. This does not mean that I do not like them. I don't dislike you, but I fail to understand why you personally attack me, especially with a lot of pure BS, and BS that you are not able to back up. - Amazing

    PS: Farkel. If you read this, would you email me at [email protected] Thanks.

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