In May of 1999 I attempted suicide by over dosing on medication. I thank Goddess & God every day that I didn't succeed. At that time I was a member of the jehovah's witnesses cult. Around that time I was just realising who I was, that I was gay. For years I had heard talks & read Watchower & Awake articles condeming homosexuality as a sin punishable by death. After I heard a talk talking about how homosexuals are condemmed to execution at armageddon in a talk at a meeting at the kingdom hall (back then I belived thier shit) I was convienced I was condemmed to die so I attempted suicide by over dosing on medication. This was after over a decade of having drilled in my head by my parents & the WatchTower Society that God hates homosexuality & will exterminate all at "armageddon". I belive it really woke me up. Since then I've gotten my s--t together. I can finaly say I'm comfortable with myself & who I am. I'm very proud of who I am & make no appoligies for being gay. I belive that any orginazation that can't accept my sexuality isn't worth my time. My suicide attempt made me realise how dangerous this religion is!!!
The WTS Almost Cost Me My Life
by VoodooChild 6 Replies latest jw friends
Voodoo child,
Welcome, Welcome Welcome
It must be difficult under the best of circumstances to accept and express who you are (gay) BUT then add being a JW. God bless ya. That must have been rough. I wonder how many JW's have committed suicide ?? Well , I'm glad your here.
By the way, Don't ya just hate how JW's talk about witnesses who commit suicide. A sister in my hall complained that a brother who committed suicide brought reproach upon Jehovah. Is that not an ice princess ???jurs
I'm a 41 year old mother of three. (and for the sake of argument, disfellowshipped for over 1 1/2 yrs now) I'm about 99% sure my 20 year old son is gay. I've point blank asked him 3 times, he denies it although even though I assure him I love HIM no matter what.
I'm sure he struggles because he was raised a witness, but never baptized. He left the 'truth' when he was about 17 and began attending another 'church'. It crushed me (I was still active myself). But eventually, over these past two years, I have become FAR less judgemental (I wasn't very judgemental to begin with) of others. I think he went to the church because he felt more accepted and more loved from them.
My BIGGEST complaint with JW's is: How can they think that they are the ONLY ones whom God blesses and will give life in His new order?
It's the exclusivity of their beliefs.
...back to my son. He still lives at home with me and my other two children. I love him very much but am disappointed that he probably won't give me grandchildren. This is even more disconcerting because he's such a handsome 'kid' (models part-time). He also seems to take advantage of my kindness living here at home. (sometimes I think I'm a floor mat to him, but it's my fault for putting up with it.)
I never felt 'unconditional love' from my JW parents, so I was bound and determined to give my children such love.
Well, just some random thoughts.
I've point blank asked him 3 times, he denies it
Probably just going through that rebellious "hetero" faze all young men seem to try.
I love him very much but am disappointed that he probably won't give me grandchildren.
Don't give up hope, what with the new technology and all.he's such a handsome 'kid' (models part-time).
Oh, yeah, he's gay.
Why'd you become a witness if you were gay?
6 of 9- (Oh, duh, I get your 'name' now!)
You're responses were LOL funny! Because I believe he's gay, I do the same thing-joke to myself about how cliche his mannerism are. He works at Gap and Pottery Barn (he wouldn't think of manual labor!). His "friend", Kelly, works at Gap with him, talks with a lisp, spends the night from time to time and evidently sleeps in the same twin bed as my son because there's nary a sleeping bag or covers on the floor in the morning. Kelly is part-time college student studying--Interior design. Ryan is left-handed and very 'artsy' constantly drawing, photographing and designing furniture and lamps.The only thing my son is missing is the lisp.
Gotta' smile to keep from being bummed-out about the whole thing.