Just got a knock at my door

by purplesofa 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    you wont believe this.............this guy comes by looking for my son, and while we are talking his little son.....about three is walking around us........and then............I feel something on my foot ......the kid was peeing on my front porch.....and it splashed on my foot!

    lol........I am still shaking my head and laughing.


  • earthtone

    Purp, when you gotta go, u gotta go. At least he didn't aim for you or did he? He is only 3. Maybe he aim was just off. lol

  • crazyblondeb

    At least he didn't take a crap. Besides, what would you rather have, that, or a visit from your local JW's? They both amount to the same thing. Except one you can mop up. Well, I guess you could mop up both!

  • purplesofa

    The kid never once said he needed to go though.

    His dad said this was his most embarrassing moment.

    I have four sons and I am sure nothing like that has ever happened.....

    poor DAD......

    he probably wanted to slither away.


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