If you suddenly found yourself with all the names and addresses of all the local JWs and Elders and MS's and HLC member for the surrounding area, what little snippet of information would you send them?
Names and addresses of local JWs
by Gill 9 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't bother. They believe because they want to. When they are ready, they come and find the truth.
The end is almost here....just in case they forgot.
I agree with Iron Oxide (Heamatite) girl
I was wanting to have a little fun.
Nothing extravagant.
Just Russells famous quote, words to the effect that once they had to start soliciting funds it would be obvious that God wasn't with them anymore.
And perhaps the 'Judges' Religion is a Snare and a Racket!
Nothing to complicated for them!
When the students ready the teacher will appear.
Why can't the teacher get to walk in the room and slap the kids round the head, just for the sake of it, once in a while?
http://www.jehovahs-witness.comI think that's enough of a snippet.
A postcard,....
This pyramid shaped memorial stone with cross and crown emblems and engraved WTBTS stands proudly next to the gravestone of Pastor Russell, to which every JW worldwide owes a certain amount of gratitude and respect for his part in bringing forth "New Light".
***If you suddenly found yourself with all the names and addresses of all the local JWs and Elders and MS's and HLC member for the surrounding area, what little snippet of information would you send them?***
I wouldn't really do this or recommend it to anyone else, but wouldn't it be great to write DA letters with their addresses on them, sign their names, and send the letters to the WTS. Pandemonium ensues!