Looking for article "Why Men Shun Religion"

by VM44 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    I am trying to find out where and when an certain article was published by the Society.

    It was called, if I remember right, "Why Men Shun Religion", or something similar to that ("Why Many Men Shun Religion" perhaps?), and was published either in the later part of the 1960's or early 1970's. I am not sure if it appeared in the Awake!, or the Wachtower.

    The article would easily be recognized as it had a drawing of a man in his car behind the steering wheel, while outside his wife and child are walking up the steps to a church.

    Anyone remember this article?



  • VM44

    The Watchtower CD-ROM index does not have article titles for the Awake! magazine pre-1970. However some keyword references indicate that the Awake! issues for January 8th and 22th, 1968 might have something to do with religion.

    I wonder if the article could be there. Anyone have the 1968 Awake! bound volume handy? :)


  • Atlantis

  • blondie

    Atlantis, you are a gem!


  • Atlantis


    But you are a treasure!


  • VM44

    Thank you!

    Yes, as blondie said, you are a gem!

    I am a little surprised that I zeroed in on the month and year of the article, the publication index on the Watchtower CD-ROM does not give article titles for Awake! issues before 1970, only a subject index is available before that year.

    I am not sure if I should say this, but, I remember this article when it was first published!

    It is interesting how certain images are remembered so clearly after many years, while other more recent memories are forgotten almost immediately.

    Look at that car's dashboard in the drawing! You don't see them like that anymore!

    Thank you again Nevada and Atlantis this was very kind of you.


  • Geronimo

    Hey VM44 this is a good article! I'm repelled by organized religion for all those reasons INCLUDING JEHOVAHS WITNESSES. Okay, so they dont wear robes n stuff. G

    hymn number 666

    Oh Lord my God
    when I in awestruck wonder
    Consider all
    the jerks they hands have made

    I see the bars
    and hookers there aplenty
    I salivate
    and wish that I was rich

    Then sings my soul
    my slaver-God to thee

    "How weird thou art
    how weird thou art"

    Then sings my soul
    my slaver-God to theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    "How weird thou art

  • VM44

    Hi Geronimo,

    Yes, what about the part in the article about religion's wanting money? The Watchtower has ALWAYS been concerned about money! They pretend to be all innocent. The book and magazine publishing and the food service operations (at the time the article was written) had always brought in a good profit return.

    And as far as not getting involved in politics, the Watchtower HAS been involved in changing the laws of the land, not through voting, but through the court cases they took to the Supreme Court. That certainly counts as working through the political system (Remember the three branches of government? The court system is one of them!)

    Want to know why the Watchtower Organization is so secretive? Simple, because they don't want to have to be accountable for what they have been doing and for the large amount of money they have been collecting over the years.

    If the people don't know the facts, then the Watchtower can say anything it wants unchallenged.


  • Geronimo

    Hey VM. The WTS is now so rich they can afford to pay news media to give them good PR. Yeah, it's aleays been about money and the power money brings. I agree. G

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