I am a person with human dignity. What I do does not change me. Sometimes I make mistakes, and sometimes I do things very well, but I'm the same person no matter what I do.
I will continue to make some mistakes throughout my life because I'm not perfect. I am a fallible human being. However, because I'm a person, I also have the ability to learn. I can work on mistakes and learn to do what is necessary to change them. I can strive to "do" better, I cannot "be" better. I already am a human being.
Past is in the past. I cannot change that I regret some things I've done. I don't like some things that have happened but I can't change the past by staying upset and worried. I can't gurarantee the future by being worried either. I can change my feelings right now. I'm probably going to handle situations better if I'm calmer and more clearheaded. I am remembering that I am in control of my feelings. I control myself. I can't always control the situation. Many times things happen that I don't like. I will accept this by remembering that I cannot control everything. If I don't like it, I can do my best to do something about it, if I want to. If I don't want to, I can calmly remember that I have a choice.
Other people control their decisions about their behavior. I am not responsible for what other people think, feel or do. I want to do my best to help others but their behavior is in their control. They decide what they do.
I do what I do because I can only act in light of my own experience, my own learning and my own attitudes. Sometimes I make mistakes; this doesn't mean I'm bad or wrong. Mistakes mean I don't know everything. No one knows everthing. I am a human being who has the ability to learn from my mistakes. What people think, or do, cannot make me less of a person. I am I and no one can change me. I will continue to do things I do and make the mistakes I make until I change. I want to begin to change right now. I am accepting myself by remembering I am a fallible human being, just as good, just as worthwhile as other people.
Sometimes people do what I'm not expecting them to do. Sometimes it seems as if they don't care. This is my interpretation of the behavior and I could be mistaken. However, even if it were true that some people are inconsiderate of me, and don't really care about how I feel, I still do not have to get so upset about it.
Other people have a right to do what they do, and to think what they think. They do not have to care about me in order for me to be calm or even happy. Other people's thoughts do not control or define my feelings; other people's actions do not control or define my feelings.
I am a person with human dignity no matter what other people think of me. Even if they don't think of me the way I would like, I don't need the approval or caring of others in order to feel good about myself. I am the most important person in my life because I control my life.
I control my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I feel good about the things I do well and regret some things I don't do well. I accept all those behaviors and accept myself. I feel calm about myself; I feel acceptable to myself; I feel good about accepting myself.