The Watchtower's Psychological Grip

by The wanderer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    The Watchtower's Psychological Grip

    On a clear and sunny day driving past the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's
    Witnesses the past comes back to haunt me. "Keep on the watch
    because you do not know the day or the hour." "We should be reach-
    ing out for more privileges in the congregation during this time of the
    end ." "We are in the final part of the last days." These and
    other similar expressions are suddenly called to mind.

    Witness Think

    Being a "good" Witness entails an individual to give up his or her
    creative thought and independence. The Watchtower now does all
    of the thinking for you. The thought of something "bad" will happen
    if an individual does not follow through on all of the rules is period-
    ically reinforced. Any individual thought or questioning of the Society
    raises eyebrows within the organization and can lead to "discipline."

    Breaking the Grip of The Watchtower Society

    Since receiving the steady diet and constant drilling of the organization,
    it would do me well to turn to others who have succeeded in purging
    "Witness Think." So, for those of you out there who have succeeded
    in deprogramming yourselves or are on the way to doing so, what advice
    can you give to individuals who are still in the "Watchtower's grip."

    Would you care to share?


    The Wanderer

  • done4good

    Start by reading Crisis of Conscience. As almost anyone would attest to, good, honest, and objective read. If doctrinal issues are still a concern after that, then read, In Search if Christian Freedom, also by Ray Franz. That book does a pretty good explaination of where witness doctrine in fact, came from.

  • garybuss

    I'd just say, I didn't challenge the Watch Tower, I challenged myself. They weren't the problem, I was.
    The other thing I can think of is, don't think about what you could do, do what you do do. Nobody ever thought their way out of any problem . . . ever. Solutions require action.
    Talking about taking action isn't usually actually taking action. Think about and talk about filling your car up with gas and sit there and watch the gas gage. Lemme know when it moves.

  • moshe

    I understand the old Rutherford clinic of miracle treatments still endorses shock therapy to clear the mind of false wordly teachings- Just reverse the polarity to erase those WT teachings and then you will feel right as rain again.


  • daniel-p

    ^^^ Is that a mushroom sprouting from that woman's mouth??

  • Dansk
    what advice can you give to individuals who are still in the "Watchtower's grip."

    You can give them as much advice as you like, but if they're still in Watchtower's grip they won't really be listening to you. If I knew the answer my older daughter would be out now instead of still shunning me after three and a half years!


  • moshe

    Is that a mushroom sprouting from that woman's mouth??

    no- just a rubber appliance to keep the patient from biting her tongue when 2000 volts of electricity is applied to the brain- but a dose of magical mushrooms couldn't hurt.

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