A Visit With My Parents

by Bstndance 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    So I flew home this past weekend to visit with my family. I had a great time and was very happy my mom didn't do the whole "when are you going to come back to Jehovah?" crap. However, I could tell that she tried to put it all around me.

    Examples and Observations:

    1. My family decided to allow a book study in their new condo. They mentioned it quite a bit. There was a chair I was sitting in and they pointed out a few times on how Brother so and so likes the chair. After we had a few drinks, my mom would tell me how she requests everyone to take off their shoes to keep her carpet clean and how one brother refuses to. LOL

    2. Of course a ton of cult literature was all around. The daily text was always on the table which BTW had a really wacky Psalm the other day. It made me laugh. I heard my mom going over it with my little brother before he went to school. It's really funny how they try applying everything to the borg. I heard her say "I guess this would be for when someone is wearing too much perfume in the hall". She was serious. LOL

    3. She showed me pictures of her time at the convention with all of the "friends". There's one sister who is a flight attendant I pointed out that she was wearing her uniform without a nametag and wings.

    4. She told me about all of the landscapers and floor buffers that have been appointed elders.

    5. My mom was on the phone with her friend and she mentioned the special awake and then the special campaign coming up (I smirked because I've already seen it) and how she's scared the end is coming. Now right there is the culture of fear the WTS breeds. If you're confident that you're going to live forever in a paradise, why are you afraid of the end.

    5. The biggest surprise: This girl, around my age, that used to be in my mom's congregation wants my e-mail address. I have a feeling she wants to preach to me or something. I thought it was "illegal" to speak with me but I guess that means i've never been da'd or df'd. eerr. I said to my mom, "i'm interested to see what she has to say". HAHA! Of course my mom told me not to start any trouble.

    Overall, no direct attacks. It was nice to see everyone. BTW Delta Airline's Mile High Mojito is awesome!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Glad to hear you had a good time.

    Mmmmmm mojitos, gotta love em!!!!!!


  • PrimateDave

    Glad to see that your parents are coming around a bit for you. I just let mine know this last month where I stand on things. We've been emailing each other, and my mother called once. My father says he will keep sending me the magazines, which I accepted. I wonder how my next visit with them will go...
    I imagine that my parents will act pretty much like yours. If only there was a way to wake them up! And, why are they all so scared of Armageddon? Unless they are scared for you because you're on the "outside"? Of course, they see that as the fulfillment of some prophecy. Well, best of luck, Bstndance!

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