Now that I feel free to think about whatever I want I have been questioning EVERYTHING. So here are my thoughts on whether or not God, at leasy the one described in the bible, is fit to command.
We don't have very many examples of him ruling over large groups, but here are the main three I can think of.
1) Adam and Eve (True that's not a large group per say but it was the entire population of earth) They were perfect and had a personal relationship with god and yet they were both unsatisified with his rulership.
2) The israelites, I can't even count how many times they rebelled against him. And why not? He made them eat the same thing every day for decades, simply because he was either too lazy or too mean to make something different once a week or even once a month! Then he makes the kids waste 40 years of their lives because the parents were scared and lacked faith. Then allows hundreds of the ones who did have faith in him to die because one family took a garment and some silver that he was just going to have burned anyway... Now the Jews are no longer his chosen ones...
3) The angels. Now I'm not sure what's going on in heaven, but apperently Satan was on to something when he rebelled. After all according to Revelation, one third of the angels joined him, these are ones who knew god personaly and were willing to die in order to follow Satan instead of Jehovah.
That's a pretty bad record if you ask me. This is just one more thing that proves to me that the bible is completely fake.