You could be forgiven for thinking that Jehovah's Witnesses acknowledge Jesus Christ as a central figure in the Society.
Last week, we had the CO's visit and he showed us the video. I forget the title, but it was about building halls in developing lands and the work that goes into them.
A number of brothers, and sisters! were interviewed.
There didn't seem to be much begging for money in the video itself, however, the 5 minute CO talk afterwards made it quite clear that "if we are moved by what we saw, we will do everything we can to support the Kingdom Hall building work, either by volunteering our time and skills or by contributing to the World Wide Work."
However, it is what the video DIDN'T say that was most interesting.
You would think that Jehovah's Witnesses would have mentioned the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, just once! But, it didn't happen.
In the expansion of the good news, Jesus didn't even get one honorable mention.
Disgusting. And they call themselves the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses?
I think we can say that the campaign to remove Jesus has succeeded. They can't completely erase him from their religion, but they can certainly relegate him to the heap.