AK remarked how insipid the latest magazines are. This is a very clever mind control campaign along the lines of a Philip K. Dick story called "The Mold of Yancy." In this story an entire society is peacefully and happily under totalitarian control and don't know it. "My friends, " Yancy intoned, "we must learn to be vigilant... if we become divided we will become easy prey for our enemies... to be secure we must be one united people." There was not a single subject on which the propaganda machine did not express an opinion. On important topics, the people had no opinion. They only THOUGHT they had an opinion. They were left with the illusion of consuming a rich and varied intellectual feast. "The ends were tied up too slickly to be mere accident." In the story a father asks his son a whole range of questions. The boy trots out his conditioned answers. Then he is asked a challenging question:
"This time there was no answer. The boy's smooth face screwed up in a bewildered, struggling frown.
"No answer?" Sipling inquired icily.
"Why, uh," the boy faltered. "I mean ..." He glanced up hopefully. "When the time comes won't somebody say?"
"Sure," Sipling choked. "Somebody will say. Maybe even Mr Yancy."
Relief flooded the boy's face. "Yes, sir. Mr Yancy will say."
In this story, the person is left with the illusion of a viewpoint:
"All aspects of personality have to be controlled; we want the total person. So a specific attitude has to exist for each concrete question."
When I read Dick's fiction I almost wonder if he advised the WTBTS on mind control!! Was he ever involved with the witlesses?