Blowin' in the Wind

by crossroads 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • crossroads

    Forgive my spelling and my rambling.

    I look at Stevie I think I really let him down. We are suppose
    to hand off a better world to our kids-I wonder if I'll have one
    to hand off. This should be a wake up call for ALL.The President
    wants us to go back to our normal way of life.Maybe it is Time
    to change normal.

    No bigger a Baseball fan from 1968--1992 than I. But why
    should baseball start back up---why should we pay them
    more money to play a game then a person who educates
    are young......Are they really important or just a new drug.
    Should a family of 4 spend $200 dollars in three hours to
    go to a stadium when refugees in Aganistan have nothing
    to eat no place to run---yet we want to sit and pretend to have

    It's time to change normal

    Until Tuesday we sat safely in our homes and told the foes
    in Northern Ireland and the Mid-East violence only breeds
    violence--Negotiate Negotiate---So why are we going against
    our own council to others.

    I feel that my generation and that of my old sisters let the
    world down. When RFK & MLK went down we stopped
    marching. We succumbed to Nixon and power, and then
    we were bought off by the all mighty dollar. We were happy
    (yeah right) we were safe(I think not). We let our government
    do whatever and not take notice---we were well fed, two cars,
    4 tv's, 2 vcr's a dvd and cd player on and on. We are all fat and
    do not know what life is all about.

    I believe we are at the brink of prophecy and we can choose
    to let it happen or we can stand together and say no god not
    yet not on our watch. We turned back in 1963 and we can turn
    back now. We have seem more love world wide this week
    then I have ever seen in my 44years here.

    We are so close to Lennon's Imagine closer than ever.
    We are so close to Gods Armageden closer than ever.
    They are both in Arms length I pray for my boys sake we
    reach out for John's Dream, I fear that we will let them lead
    us into the great war.

    As you walk on think about what has real importance,
    Hug your loved ones----use your money for good,
    use your time for the same---Yes I am just a dreamer but
    I'm not the only one---It's time to make a stand it is time
    not to fight our fellow man it's time for all of us to hold
    hands look up in the sky and say Enough God Enough we
    are tired of your game we choose not to play anymore.
    Your wrong we can get along---It's time to change normal.

  • stephenw20

    ahh the passion of my loving brother... I love ya man...

    I enjoyed many of the things that have happened this week, if I had no tv ...I may be a bit further along in my healing by now..but I spose i have chosen not to be ..........yet

    I see the many ~ things~ we injest everyday have disappeared for awhile.... there is no baseball.....loved Mark Mcgwires remarks..makes me wonder how he can even play the game knowing its all just "FLUFF".....and the football players... nervous on Thursday when an alarm went off in their meadowlands haven... Micheal Strahan.. not wanting to go back in after the alarm... sayin it's not really all that important.

    I think about Sting having the choice to show up at his concert in ITALy on the 11th and yet play only a few lines of one song...FRAGILE.... I think about the awards being postponed Emmys & Latin .... The Nascar races... & on & ON....

    life is not the same
    it should not be....
    if we can ever understand the education which was received in a few hours on Tuesday, we might just as my brother said.. get it all together.
    THis war many seem bent on , should get a new word..because the truth is unless you perform genocide there will always be a hatred of america...and now that the road map has been printed for the world, no one will forget their way.

    IT seems many are affraid to admit this... MR BUSH HAS DETERMIINED in one week he will be defined his life on whether or not he will be able to eradicate terrorism. I have heard very little this week about our home grown disgruntled souls and yet in the back of our mind, we know they are there.

    I have no real answer except one..... and its cliche and it will be scoffed at.....but only love will find a way.

    ONly love of your fellow man , your neighbor and yes your enemy can solve this... because as terrorism has bred from the four oringinal souls on this planet as long as there are two on the planet terrorism has a chance.....

    we can change this
    we can change this world... it will be slow it will be painful......but is there any other answer....

  • Tatiana

    crossroads, we are the same age. Smile...

    And I love your words. It is how I feel inside. I have often railed against the outrageous saleries athletes receive, when teachers get paid only enough to survive. When schools are falling down and teachers and parents have to scream to high heaven to get the asbestos out, but we tear down a perfectly good stadium and build a new one right next to it.

    And you're right, after MLK and JFK were gone, we stopped doing much of anything and let the government just tell us what WE wanted. I have a feeling after this blows up in our faces, we are going to see some more protesting. But, this time the government will have twice as much power.

    Unfortunately, I think it's going to be bad in the days ahead. I think we are underestimating these people. I think it's going to be "bad" before it gets "better". And I don't think I'LL ever be normal again. (Like I ever was-ha)But I think that's a good thing.

    No, crossroads, you're not the only dreamer.....and Stephen, you are so right....only love is the answer. And such a simple one....if only......if only.....

    Love and peace....


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • crossroads

    Thank you Sweetheart----I thought we were about the same
    age----I too feel there are many many dark days ahead

    "War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"

  • crossroads

    First let me say I'm not against America our land or our
    people. I'm against our leaders always believing they are
    right--never saying they our sorry--never looking inward only
    out---always playing the blame game and never-ever blaming
    themselves. I'm against all those americans who would pay
    any price to watch the 'Christians' eaten by the lions.

    With that APRIL, what I saw but it is not so visable today.
    I guess I'm standing on the other scale today(libra)

    I started to think about it when The Religious which are also
    the Political leaders of Afganistan started talking about giving
    Bin Laden up. In Jesus day he was givin' up by HIS religious
    leaders---and Pilot tried like hell to wash his hands of the whole
    mess. The Taliban are trying to do both in a lot of ways.

    Yes Bin Laden is a rich man(wasn't Jesus) but he lives like
    a man of the dirt---other people feed and house him, just like
    Jesus. News people who meet Bin Laden say he comes off
    as a very religious and Peaceful. Just like Jesus

    But Mark Jesus was peaceful----Yes but when Jesus went into
    the 'Holy Place' he OVERTURNED THE--MONEY---CHANGERS.
    It was a violent and defiant moment. Are not the Money Changers
    in Bin Laden's eyes in a 'Holy Place'

    Did not the world back then see Jesus and his small band of
    followers as subversive to THE power of the time.
    Back then weren't arena's filled with the paying public to kill
    his faithful followers---If the USA could sell tickets for this they
    would not need any tax dollars---People want blood.

    Weren't JESUS and His Followers considered fundalmentalists
    and way off course---In life Jesus had a very small following.
    In DEATH his following grew and still continues, we should ALL
    think about that.

    Last when the LORD comes again ALL EYES will see HIM,
    Who hasn't seen Bin Laden;He's-Not a President, Not the Pope,
    No just a Peaceful Man of the Dirt. Well maybe not but it is what
    came over me.

    Peace and Love---Mark

    "War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"

  • Tatiana

    I copied this off of another site. I don't know who the man is who wrote it, but when I read it, I thought of what you and Stephen said, Mark, about NOT going back to being "normal." If we do, we haven't learned a damn thing!
    "Four thousand gathered for mid-day prayer in a downtown cathedral. A New York City church filled and emptied six times last Tuesday. The owner of a Manhattan tennis shoe store threw open his doors and gave running shoes to those fleeing the towers. People stood in lines to give blood, in hospitals to treat the sick, in sanctuaries to pray for the wounded.

    America was different this week. We wept for people we did not know. We sent money to families we’ve never seen. Talk-show hosts read Scriptures, journalists printed prayers. Our focus shifted from fashion hemlines and box scores to orphans and widows and the future of the world.

    We were different this week. Republicans stood next to Democrats. Catholics prayed with Jews. Skin color was covered by the ash of burning towers. This is a different country than it was a week ago.

    We’re not as self-centered as we were. We’re not as self-reliant as we were. Hands are out. Knees are bent. This is not normal. And I have to ask the question, “Do we want to go back to normal?”

    Are we being given a glimpse of a new way of life? Are we, as a nation, being reminded that the enemy is not each other and the power is not in ourselves and the future is not in our bank accounts?

    Could this unselfish prayerfulness be the way God intended for us to live all along? Maybe this, in his eyes, is the way we are called to live. And perhaps the best response to this tragedy is to refuse to go back to normal.

    Perhaps the best response is to follow the example of Tom Burnet. He was a passenger on flight 93. Minutes before the plane crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania he reached his wife by cell phone. “We’re all going to die,” he told her, “but there are three of us who are going to do something about it.”

    We can do something about it as well. We can resolve to care more. We can resolve to pray more. And we can resolve that, God being our helper, we’ll never go back to normal again.

    Max Lucado

    Mark, I understand the similarities you are drawing between Bin Laden and Jesus. The only thing I don't find similar is that Jesus never killed anyone or had anyone killed. Everything he did was with peace, love, and humbleness. He did cause quite a mess in the temple, but didn't murder any Pharisees.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • crossroads

    April----Thanks for Max, and your kind words for my Brother
    and I.

    Never said my thoughts covered everthing---
    1-Nobody has shown me this man has killed anyone
    2-God [the Father] works in strange ways

    Love You-----Keep carring your peace sign and singing
    and those old songs---I over heard my ten year old singing
    "Where have all the flowers gone" yesterday. I sing it all the
    time---I guess he's been listening

  • Tatiana
    1-Nobody has shown me this man has killed anyone
    2-God [the Father] works in strange ways

    I agree with that, Mark. I don't think it's been proven that he's actually killed anyone. But, just the photos of him with a sub-machine gun would make me think he approves of violence. But, like your #2 states, so did God many, many times. He could be being used by a higher power. Whether it's one or the other, only time will tell.

    Still singing.....

    One thing's for certain, the word "normal" will have to be rewritten in the dictionary in the years to come!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)


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