Jws and longevity

by beautiful south 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • beautiful south
    beautiful south

    Hi to all. I've been reading the forum for a while and wanted to ask a question.

    Does anybody know how many take the emblems nowadays. They must all be about 120 years old now. Hey......maybe the're really taking a secret elixia of life.

    Sound like a storyline for a new Dan Brown novel

  • vitty

    Twenty years ago when I started to attend the meetings, there was around 8,000 partakers, last year there were around 8,000 partakers....um

  • Highlander
    Twenty years ago when I started to attend the meetings, there was around 8,000 partakers, last year there were around 8,000 partakers....um

    Vitty, I always did get a kick out of that. I'm 31 years old, and for my entire life the number of anointed never really changed.

  • jaguarbass

    In any given group their will be a certain number of whackos.

  • Kaput

    Jehovah is continually replacing those who get tired of sitting on a cloud and waiting for orders to wipe everybody out at an Armageddon that never seems to come.

  • Undecided

    Good one Kaput. Finally an answer that makes sense.

    Ken P.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The number of partakers has seemed to have altered very little in the last few years, but as to the age of the so - called anointed, some may not be all that old. The two who joined the governing body last year are both in their 50's, and are both said to be anointed.

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