by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends
I think he was a little off key on that last blast.
Ken P.
About a third of the way down, just before and after The Seventh Trump: -
Seven trumpets -- Representing seven great periods of time and their events. B148
To shadow forth the events by which the dominion of the last of the four Gentile kingdoms was to be broken, overthrown and finally destroyed. HG76:3
The events under the first six trumpets refer to humanity's doings, while the seventh refers specially to the Lord's work, and covers the "Day of the Lord." (1 Thes. 5:2) B148
Under the first four trumpets, the scourges were brought upon the two western parts of the empire. Under the fifth and sixth, the dominion of Rome at the east, at Constantinople, was subverted. Under the seventh, great Babylon will go down to rise no more. HG77:1Our text is another prophecy which we believe applies in this harvest time, and which, consequently, has a beginning of its fulfilment now. As already pointed out in these columns, we, in common with almost all expositors, recognize that the seven trumpets of Revelation are symbolical and not literal-- indeed that this entire book is a book of symbols, and that so far it has been symbolically fulfilled. Christian people in general understand that five of these trumpets have already "sounded" and are in the past;-- we would say six. It is admitted that those that have already "sounded" have not been literal blasts of a bugle on the air, but divine decrees and their fulfilments; and we esteem that it is reasonable to expect that the seventh trumpet will be similar in this respect to the preceding six. But literal things are so much more easily received by the natural man that, even though absurd, they commend themselves as instead of the truth,--until our minds are guided of the holy spirit into the proper channel by "comparing spiritual things with spiritual"--by comparing the seventh trumpet with the preceding six trumpets, and not with a natural blast upon the air. So firmly entrenched is the error that many advanced Christians, Bible students and ministers are really expecting some day to hear what is sometimes denominated "Gabriel's horn," shrill enough and loud enough to awaken the dead. It is both proper and necessary that we exercise great patience with Christian brethren, who thus display their infantile development of knowledge in respect to spiritual things, while we point out to them that this seventh trumpet--"The Last Trumpet"--"The Trump of God," is as much symbolic as were its predecessors, and marks a much larger and more important fulfilment than any of them. Its fulfilment extends through a period of 1,000 years; its events mark and coincide with all the various features of the Millennial reign of Christ. Its beginning, we understand, was in 1878, and its termination will be a thousand years future from that date. It will be "sounding" for all that time--during which its events will be in process of accomplishment.
What the events represented by this Seventh Trumpet are, is briefly explained in the verses following our text (`17,18`). The first feature of this Trumpet is the announcement of Christ's Kingdom in the earth--the assumption of his great office, the beginning of his reign. This, as we have already shown from other Scriptures, was chronologically due to begin in 1878. The results of this assumption of authority by Messiah follow in due course as narrated. (1) "The nations were angry and thy wrath is come." The laying of judgment to the line and justice to the plummet, and the sweeping away of the refuge of lies, an early feature in our Lord's reign, as described in the prophecy of Isaiah (`Isa. 28:17`), will necessarily result in great commotion in the affairs of the "present evil world"; because its social, financial, political and religious conditions and arrangements will not square with the Lord's line and plummet of righteousness. And because he will not
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put a new patch upon an old garment, present institutions in their entirety will be overthrown, as has been predicted, in the "time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation"--no, nor ever shall be afterward. How graphically in a few words is this trouble pointed out,--"The nations were angry, and thy wrath is come." -