Someone is going through and deleting some of the most important and incriminating material like the "pay attention..." book. I know the site has not been updated in a while. Can anyone get ahold of the administrator to undo the changes? I think the site needs to be preserved especially becomes it seems that some people are trying to shut it down. is being raided!
by jpcbs 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Maybe this can explain it, (taken form the home page)
Note from Reexaminer: Keep an eye out for changed links in the next few days and weeks. In an effort to organize the mess of files I have, I'll be moving things around a little bit so I can easily find them (in the background of course). The basic display will stay the same, however the "Read Online" links are the ones that will be changing
It may be that someone is deleting the publications, but they will eventually become frustrated when the publications are back within a couple of hours. If write protection needs to be applied to the directory holding the pubs, I am sure tha people running the site know how to do that.
I agree that site is just about the most dangerous thing the WTS has ever faced on the Internet. It is a clearing house for all sorts of stuff the average JW is never supposed to know about.
AuldSoul -
I've just visited the site and I've been able to access several pages of the Pay Attention to the Flock book. Maybe it was being put into a different directory and when you checked the correct link wasn't yet set up.
I've had some quirks with the site, like when I tried to contribute something and got a message that uploading was unavailable. But it then worked fine for others.
The problem was vandalism. It happens all the the time. There was a while in March that almost everything on the site was deleted, but it's just a matter of a click of a button to reverse it. It appears to be all online again now and working fine.
That site was so useful for doing researches, lets hope it comes back to normal soon.
On the subject of materials, does anyone have the Revelation book on PDF ???