does anyone know??

by Mulan 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I am packing for a trip and wondering if I can put my digital camera in my suitcase without it getting damaged by the airline's X rays.

    I prefer not to put it in my purse. It's heavy.

    Leaving in about an hour, so someone reply soon. Thanks.

  • KW13

    i'm 99% percent certain the answer is yes but dont take my word for it.

  • blondie


    Many are worried that the airport x-ray machine will damage their camera’s memory or the memory cards. So far, there is little proof that airport x-ray screening machines can damage your camera’s memory cards and images. The airlines often warn about damage to film from x-ray machines not digital media.

    Rather than being worried about x-ray exposure, some believe that digital equipment are more affected by magnetic exposure, particularly to the magnetic hand-held wands and metal detectors. Some also believe that you should avoid the drive motors of conveyor belts by placing your camera far away from the beginning of the belt.

    If you are still worried about losing your images or damage to your camera, you can do the following for some peace of mind:

    • Backup your images on compact disk before you head to the airport.
    • Take out your memory card and put it in your pocket. Make sure the memory card is put in a protective sleeve to protect against static.
    • Ask the screeners to inspect your camera equipment without the use of x-ray equipment. Call ahead to see if your airline offers this service.
    • Invest in a good camera bag that offers small compartments for your digital camera media and camera. While it may not totally protect your camera from magnetic or x-ray exposure, it can limit any damage caused by any potential rough handling.

    While the jury is still out on the amount of damage airport screenings can cause to your digital camera, having some common sense for protecting your digital camera and safekeeping your images is an important step any photographer should take.

  • blondie

    Press Release - Travelers Still Strongly Advised to Request Hand Inspection of High-Speed Film
    WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., DECEMBER 16, 2004 – Recent tests found no evidence of X-ray scanner damage to digital camera media cards or to the images they hold. The tests of scanner models currently in use in the U.S. transportation industry were jointly conducted by the International Imaging Industry Association, the leading global association for the imaging industry; SanDisk® Corporation, a manufacturer of digital media cards; and the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

    These findings mean that digital cameras and their image storage media can travel safely in either checked or carry-on bags, which will be reassuring to holiday travelers. And though they were not explicitly tested, it is likely that images on camera-phones will be safe in either situation as well. More care is needed for cameras with film, however, as the X-ray scanners for both checked and carry-on luggage can fog both developed and undeveloped film.

    “Our tests should put travelers' fears to rest, that their digitally captured holiday memories won't be damaged in transit,” said Lisa Walker, I3A President. “Digital cameras and media can safely go in carry-ons without the need for hand-inspection, which will simplify security checks and make those long lines move a little faster.”

    The tests of digital media took place at the TSA Security Laboratory in Atlantic City, N.J. A broad selection of media and devices from a range of manufacturers, loaded with detailed images, was subjected to repeated passes through X-ray scanners matching those now in use at transportation facilities. At the end of the tests, the images were unaltered and the devices showed no sign of damage. Complete details on the tested media cards, test protocols and results can be downloaded from

    Separate tests were conducted at the same facility to determine whether the walk-through metal detectors or hand-held metal detector wands have any effect on digital image storage media. As with the X-ray scanners, no damage to media or images was perceived from either of these devices.

    The technical support center at SanDisk, a prominent manufacturer of digital media, has been closely monitoring the X-ray issue for several years. As SanDisk ships over a million flash memory cards per week, any issues from security devices would quickly become apparent, but the company has received fewer than a dozen reports per year of problems with airport security systems.

    “The Atlantic City lab tests confirm our own observations about the durability of digital media. SanDisk tests have shown that images can be stored for years on flash media cards, without deterioration,” said Wes Brewer, SanDisk vice president of consumer products marketing. “In fact, we advise travelers that leaving their images on flash memory cards provides the most durable and dependable method of storing and transporting them. Although the various forms and brands of flash memory cards have different manufacturing processes, consumers who buy recognized brands from reliable sources should have no concerns about traveling with their cards through airport check-points.”

    The digital media test program is an ongoing initiative of I3A's Integrity in Transportation of Imaging Products (ITIP) Committee, which is composed of representatives from Agfa Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company, Ferrania Imaging Technologies, Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd., Hewlett Packard Company, Ilford Imaging Group, Konica Minolta Photo Imaging, Photo Marketing Association International, Photo-Sensitized Materials Manufacturers Association and Sony Electronics.

    ITIP has conducted extensive tests over a period of years to assess the effects of security scanning on film products. Test results to date indicate that the X-ray scanners used for screening carry-on bags will damage high-speed film (ISO 800 or greater). For lower-speed film, the problem appears to be cumulative: the majority of damage has been reported when film has undergone more than five passes through X-ray machines.

    Accordingly, I3A advises travelers to request hand inspection of their high-speed (ISO 800 or greater) film products, which is explicitly permitted by law. Hand inspection of lower speed film is recommended only when the film has already been subjected to five trips through X-ray scanners. The screening machines used to screen checked baggage and some cargo will damage all film, regardless of speed. Therefore, I3A and the TSA both advise travelers to carry their film with them and never put it in checked bags.

    To help make sure the hand inspection service is consistently available, ITIP has enlisted I3A members in an ongoing effort to gather information on implementation of airport film warnings and advisory signage in U.S. airports; the collected reports are summarized and forwarded to TSA.

    “Helping passengers understand how to safely and properly carry their film through security screening is certainly a key element of our customer service efforts at TSA,” said Ron Sokolov, Executive Director for Customer Service at the Transportation Security Administration. “Our partnership with I3A has been instrumental in evaluating the impact of our screening technologies on different film media and then getting this information to a wide audience that includes amateur and professional photographers.”

    When the TSA was established in 2001, I3A formed the ITIP Committee to work with TSA to address the issues arising from the effects on imaging products in transit of increased security measures in transportation. In December 2002, I3A and TSA jointly issued guidelines to help travelers protect their film and cameras from security scanning equipment. ITIP's charter also includes advising authorities specifying and implementing new postal sanitization equipment about its effects on imaging materials and how to protect those materials from damage. I3A's research, reports and guidelines are available to the public at no charge on its Web site, .

  • blondie

    Even though I already knew the answer, five minutes on Google provided me with some citations to back it up.

    The answer is NO, airport x-ray machines won't damage your digital camera or memory cards. I would certainly make sure the camera is turned off before it is placed on the scanning belt. I would also make sure the digital camera is inside a padded camera bag. I've recently seen luggage fall off the scanning belt. On two separate flights after September 11th, airport security refused to hand inspect my digital camera and insisted it be x-rayed. (Seattle and Las Vegas.)

    Now for the authorities:

    Nikon says: "Unlike film, which is sensitive to light, the (digital) camera and memory cards are not affected by X-rays." see (

    Digital Cameras and Airport Luggage Scanners (

  • Mulan

    Thanks Blondie. You are a doll.

    I will pack it.

    Turning off computer now. We will be back on Sunday. Byeeee!

  • jaguarbass

    I dont think it will hurt it. I would put my camera in my suitcase. You could take the memory out. I guess it would still get exrayed. People must travel with their cameras and their cell phones which have cameras in them. Why not call the airlines. Thats it. Call the airline and ask them.

  • SixofNine

    not to worry Mulan, it's not at all like film in that regard.

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