OK, I work in a growing dowtown area of NC. Last week I took somethings to get them printed around the corner and noticed a WT and Awake on the sidewalk. I figured someone dropped it or it fell out of a book bag or something and thought nothing of it. Then today I find a set of mags on the floor of our elevator. I don't understand. Does someone hate business work so much that they are throwing their magazines around just to get placements or is this a new strategy. I know I left them on tables in waiting rooms, lounges and even bathroom counters but never on the street or the floor. Just bizarre. Anyone else see this?
Business Territory???
by unique1 9 Replies latest jw friends
More likely a JW gave mags to someone who tossed later on.
Hi, I did business territory for a little while and it got quite depressing. They were all return visits but they were so rude and would pull faces when they saw us. I wished they would just ask us to stop. If I'd carried on I would have ended up throwing them in an elevator instead or a random desk and then leg it.
I manage a small apartment complex and after the Jehovah's Witnesses have passed through I pick up Awake! magazines off the sidewalks laying right by the penny shopper. These toss down Awake! magazines are old issues, like years old.
Maybe they were placed with someone and the someone they were placed with discarded them.
I would hope people wouldn't be such litter bugs. Throw them in the trash. That is what I did. One was on "What has happened to love?" I wanted to write on it "LIKE YOU KNOW!!" I threw them away instead.
When we saw the magazines in hospital lobbys, laundramats, etc. we never threw them away. We had some big 'press apply' stickers, bright pink, made that said, EXAMPLE OF CULT LITERATURE. They stood out like a sore thumb!
Last week I took somethings to get them printed around the corner and noticed a WT and Awake on the sidewalk. I figured someone dropped it or it fell out of a book bag or something and thought nothing of it. Then today I find a set of mags on the floor of our elevator. I don't understand
You don't understand? Jehovah is calling you back to the Org. This is a divine message, just for you.
I hated hated hated woking business territory. I found it completely embarassing. I still see the W&A at hospitals and Dr.s offices all around town.