7,000-year Creative Days, Apostates, and Syphilis,

by Amazing 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Currently, a number of JWs seem to think that the earth was created 7,000 years ago, basing this in part on the Society teaching that one day is as a thoudand years. Thus, since we are near the end of the seventh creative day, then the earth and all life on it are only about 7,000-years old. However, this is not official Watchtower teaching, unless the Society has made a radial change in the last 14-years that I somehow missed.

    The February 1, 1973 Watchtower, pages 82-83 deal with this topic:

    It should be remembered that trees and other vegetation have been on earth much longer than man. Man did not put in his appearance until immediately before the seventh "day" of the creative "week," or nearly 6,000 years ago.

    Therefore, if the end of the sixth creative day was nearly 6,000-years ago (by 1973) then we are still in the seventh creative day, according to the Society. So, the article goes on to date trees:

    Since each of the creative "days" or periods was evidently seven thousand years long, the whole creative "week" takes in 49,000 years. If that period is likened to a twelve-hour clock, then trees and other vegetation appeared between about three-thirty and five-fifteen [thousand years ago.] And man? Much later—sometime after ten o’clock! Yes, trees on earth for between twenty-seven thousand and thirty-four thousand years far outdate man’s nearly six-thousand-year tenure.

    The Watchtower article had a typo, because they forgot to add in "thousand years ago" at the end of the first sentence. So, here they establish a creative day as 7,000 years. If Adam and Eve were created at the end of the sixth day, or at the end of 42,000-years of life on earth, and we are about 6,000-years from the creation of Adam, then the 1,000-year rule is just rightaround the corner: 42,000-years + 6,000-years + 1,000-years = 49,000-years of the completion of a creative week. Since God rested on the seventh-day, his rest will end at the end of Jesus rule 1,000-years from now, and then Jehovah will get back to work, and began creating again. Perfect humans will be there to enjoy it. Isn't that so clear and marvelous?

    Of course, in discussing the age of trees and the length of creative days, and living to enjoy all these future life privilegs, the Society just had to mention APOSTATES, and managed somehow to fit this into their article:

    For instance, by avoiding apostates you will not be led astray by their twisted ideas. Similarly, by shunning wrong and immoral association and bad practices you are not likely to fall victim to syphilis, gonorrhea or certain other forms of disease. - P. 83, ibid

    The chart on page 83 sums it all up:

    [Chart on page 83](For fully formatted text, see publication)

    7,000 YEARS 14,000 YEARS Day Three Trees Created 21,000 YEARS 28,000 YEARS 35,000 YEARS Day Six Man Created 42,000 YEARS49,000 YEARS

    Amen, Dark Lord, let trees sing, let man live to be a 1,000-years, and by all means, avoid Apostates, and sexually transmitted diseases! Praise Jah!

    Jim Whitney

  • minimus

    Jim, I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was going to be about syphilis.

  • Gill

    Now that is what you call the pot calling the kettle black!

    I'd have thought that most of the world is aware that if you 'Avoid Jehovah's witnesses you will not be led astray by their twisted reasonings!'

    As for the 7000 years issue. That has been well and truly aborted by the WTBTS in its recent Creation Awake.

    In it it claims that 'The wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved'.

    There is absolutely no mention of a creative day being 7000 years long or even 1000 years long. Infact the Watchtower berates Christian fundamentalists for their stance on the length of creative days. It seems to realise that it would be impossible for a creative day to be one thousand or even seven thousand years long and doesn't even attempt to 'go there'.

    Now, if the 7000 years idea has been dropped....well as sure as 1=1 makes 2 the teachings of the WTBTS are well and truly down the toilet.

    I think they realise that, haveing condemned fundamentalists, they would have sounded just as stupid by saying 'NO! A creative day is 7000 years long!'

    So there we have it.....the twisted reasonings of the WTBTs for all to see!

    Sad and pathetic, and thankfully on this occassion, with no syphilis to be seen!

  • zev

    syphilis, left unchecked and untreated will make you go mad!

    it will eventually kill you.

    I am seeing a pattern here with Jim's post, don't you?


  • minimus

    Zev, are you trying to say that Jim's got.......oh forget it.

  • Sparkplug

    I just watched Libertine (Where Johnny Depp portrayed a person that died of it) and it was not just about that, but syphilis is certtanly a messy lot. I hated that it about killed my view of ol' Depp Boy!

    Amen, Dark Lord, let trees sing, let man live to be a 1,000-years, and by all means, avoid Apostates, and sexually transmitted diseases! Praise Jah!
    LMAO. I took this as a funny...did you mean it as such?
  • avengers

    7,000 YEARS 14,000 YEARS Day Three Trees Created 21,000 YEARS 28,000 YEARS 35,000 YEARS Day Six Man Created 42,000 YEARS
    I'm well aware of this theorie. It's the Truth and so is this:
    Amen, Dark Lord, let trees sing, let man live to be a 1,000-years, and by all means, avoid Apostates, and sexually transmitted diseases! Praise Jah!
    Yes avoid me please. stay away. I will give you syphillis.

  • skyking

    Yes this has all changed but when the changes were made they studied the changes but as time went by the OLD DOG's forgot about the changes. Many, Many time I have had to force feed this point to the blind stupid throngs of OLD DOG JW's while I was still in. Servel old-timers would get the information up-linked back in their brains to only convert back to the old thinking and start preaching the old think and fighting with the younger ones about it.

    What amazed me is that the Watchtower likes the Older ones to think this because it fits into the goal of global domination so I doubt since it has been changed and disccused they will hash it out again.

  • Quandry

    6-15-1961 Watchtower:

    Thus we see God?s use of the perfect number seven. The creative week consisted of seven days that were made up, not merely of hours, but of 7,000 years each. This means that each creative day was, within itself, a week of 1,000-year days.

    Guess this is "old light" now. But it will so quietly meet its demise, that no one will realize they ever taught this.

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