Have you found as an X jw that you contribute more to society in general?

by restrangled 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled
  • blondie

    I was never an obedient JW. I always donated to United Way, picking the agencies whose mission I supported. I donated to food pantries and to programs for school supplies at work. I participated in neighborhood cleanup days. I do all that and more. I don't kid myself either to think that just because people are not JWs that they contribute to society. Just because people have opportunities does not mean they use them.


  • Justice-One

    You betcha! From giving blood, to voting, and a lot in between. I also feel that getting a degree will help me help others.

    And I'm doing all of the above while in "fade" mode.

  • restrangled

    We have contributed to Troubled children, including movies and players. Also free information advertising to the troops in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanastan.


  • Mary

    Absolutely.....I give to 5 different charities and would give more if I could afford it........I feel better donating to charities and giving food to the homeless shelters, than what I ever did knocking on doors trying to sell magazines..........

  • Dawn

    Yes. Not that I wasn't always a giving person - it's just that now I realize it's up to us to make a difference in people's lives right now. Just having the "truth" about some future paradise isnt enough.

    Jesus didn't just teach - he fed people, healed people, cared for them. And he did it for all types - regardless of whether they followed him or not.

    I believe now that being a Christian doesn't just mean witnessing about my belief and helping those who believe the same as me - it means reaching out to people in need regardless of what they believe and not expecting anything in return - except the hope that my generosity will make their life better and in turn they can pass it on.

  • Ironhead

    ***********Jesus didn't just teach - he fed people, healed people, cared for them. And he did it for all types - regardless of whether they followed him or not.************

    Dawn you're spot on. Before Jesus gave his Sermon on the Mount. He did these things BEFORE, he started teaching the crowds. I witness a horrible traffic accident on my way to take field service arrangement. I didn't turn up, as I was helping as much as I can, being a qualified first aider. I was told off by the field service overseer for neglecting my duties, as a sister had to take the arrangement. To me helping out was more important than knocking on someones door, who may never have been in during the day anyway. Since then, I returned to contributing by direct debit, to a few charities I strongly believed in before I became a dud. Now that I'm out. I always give food parcels to the local Salvation Army. The wts always quote Acts 20:35 "......There's more happiness in giving than there is in receiving" Yes I more happier now helping my fellow man in need, than preaching to receive a pat on my back.

  • lovelylil

    Yes. I am active in helping in the community, in my kids school, and teach bible classes just because I wan't to and without the "counting time" burden. Lately, I have become more interested in Politics as well. Lilly

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Definitely. I give to a few charities now. I feel that I am achieving much more doing that than I ever did putting money in the www box.

  • earthtone

    I also contribute to you United Way, but I find myself contributing more and also to the salvation army.

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