Anglo-American Dual World Power

by Amazing 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The WTS use to speak a great deal about the Seventh Head of the Wild Beast in Revelation as being the Two-Horned Dual Anglo-American World Power of Great Britain and the USA. Also, the Society applied the symbolic Two-Horned Lamb Beast to the Uk and USA.

    Now, considering this ...

    Just who has proven to be the wild beast on Tuesday, 9-11? Was it this supposed Dual World Power, or the men who hijacked the planes and killed thousands of innocent people? Could the WTS application of Revelation to the UK and the USA perhaps be just a little errorenous? - Amazing

  • Hmmm

    I'm sure this is going to go over like a lead balloon, but in the grand scheme of things, I don't think a few thousand people is an incident of biblical proportions.

    (Not that I'm siding with the WT, mind you)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Amazing,

    good question,....but we are still

    waiting for the King of the North and the South...

    and from where "the report will come..."!

    Do you remember? It could be Jehovah...or it could

    be Satan!!!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • proplog2

    They are off on the Anglo American thing. They claim the head of the beast that revives (Rev 13) is the Anglo American experience during WWI. Ask any British school boy when the British empire died and he'll think you're crazy.

    The only significant empire that died in modern history is the Soviet Union. There is nothing that occupies the political space that you can call the Soviet Union after 1991.

    I cover a lot of this stuff on my web-page.

  • Moxy

    even more humorous than the common interpretation of the USA as a kind of a minor offshoot of the UK is the interpretation of the statue in Daniel 2 and the beast in Daniel 7 where the WHOLE world power is actually ROME! Of which the UK is an 'offshoot' and the USA an 'offshoot' of that.

    Of course, studying these prophecies like in the daniel book, the amount of discussion and extra verbiage as these verses are discussed has the effect of lengthening and seperating the elements of what may be a single verse in Daniel so that it appears the prophecy is actually discussing the millenia of history from rome to usa. but when god steps in to kick some ass, its actually ROME he attacks according to WT interpretation. figure THAT out! bet you americans didnt know youre basically just a roman colony, eh?


    Dan 7:11 Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire.

    according to WT, the beast is ROME and only the horn is UK (USA) so how much sense does it make that the beast and body are the final targets of gods judgement?


  • Teirce

    <off topic> I wish they'd make a secular Clash of the Titans movie using Biblical monsters, variously ranked angels, Ezekiel's chariot and New Jerusalem, Revelation's heaven, etcetc, Leviathan and Bohemoth cameos, etc. Visually and subconsciously they're pretty darn cool all on their own little lonesomes. Depict Satan as having more scruples than capricious, Dionyssic Jehovah, and a shamed Jesus trying to pick up the pieces. Godly angels and demons go back and forth vying with their chosen champions a la the Illiad.

  • SixofNine
    bet you americans didn't know youre basically just a roman colony, eh?

    So that's why an orgy sounds so appealing to me! (preferably an orgy w/o any other men, is that still an orgy?)

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