A challenge--Present proof against the WTS concerning the UN & Child Abuse

by thirdwitness 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • thirdwitness

    I would like to issue a challenge to those who seek to discredit JWs concerning the WTS as an NGO with the DPI and the child abuse policy of the WTS. Who can actually present proof not heresay and not he said she said. Let me show you what I mean.



    Here we discussed the NGO/UN topic in great detail. Wisely Ozzie locked the thread down as AlanF had been caught in a lie (at least he has not yet offered proof for what he said) and had no where to go. AlanF said:

    The fact is that Barry did sign the original application form

    But never did he provide proof that this was a fact. I contend that it is an outright falsehood. IN fact the original application, just as the WTS said, did not even require a signature.

    And the accreditation form said nothing about supporting the UN:

    So here is your chance to show the lurkers the proof for all to see.

    Quandry said: I was always taught to read the fine print before I signed anything. The WTS always likes to sound authoritative, well researched, well informed. Yet they quickly signed documents without looking at all the ramifications first? In fact, several higher ups signed? No discussion of how this would look? No investigation into the requirements? Just put their name on documents that had the heading of UN at the top?

    It is time for opposers to put up or eat their words. Please provide for us the original application signed by Lloyd Barry of the governing body that AlanF gloated about. Please provide any application that the DPI used where the WTS would have signed that they agreed to support the UN or to even disseminate favorable information about the UN.

    Here is an example of what I am talking about: http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ngo/ Click on forms and documents and then click on application in English. Here you will find an application for NGOs to become associated with the UN/ECOSOC. The WTS was never that type of NGO with the ECOSOC and did not fill out this form.

    The first page says:

    United Nations Nations Unies
    1 UN Plaza, Room DC1-1480, New York, NY 10017
    tel: (212) 963-8652 / fax: (212) 963-9248

    Application for Consultative Status
    with the Economic and Social Council

    The last page says:

    I/we declare that I/we have answered the questions contained in this form to
    the best of my/our knowledge.

    I/we declare, that if granted consultative status, my/our organization will act
    in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and ECOSOC
    resolution 1996/31.

    The undersigned signature/es is/are duly authorized to sign this declaration.


    Name(s) and position(s)

    Surely such an application with this sort of agreement must exist for NGOs with the DPI. Show it to us and the proof will be there. Don't come forth with your rhetoric or your false statements or your heresay or your other nonsense.

    On the other hand, here is the proof that the WTS did not agree to support the UN and that their expanation written to those who inquired about it was honest and forthcoming.

  • thirdwitness

    Child Abuse Policy of JWs

    This has been discussed thoroughly on these threads:



    There are stories told and heresay presented that the WTS has a bad policy but where is the proof? Here are the claims that are made:

    1. The elders are told to keep child abuse in house so as not to bring reproach upon the organization.

    2. The elders are told to discourage anyone from reporting it to the police, even dfing you if you do or at least threatening you with dfing.

    Stories are great but you must admit that there are many out there who will say anything to discredit JWs. There are also some who have a bad memory and of course there are cases where the elders may have ignored JWs policy and botched the case.

    Proof would be WT letters or publications that make statements that reporting child abuse to the police should be discouraged and/or anyone doing so may be DFed.

    He said, she said is not proof. And I will gave an example of this. Many point to Vicki Boer and say, see there, the elders told her not to report it to the police and they even called the WTS so they must have told the elders that. But what did the facts of the case reveal in court?

    The Judge in the case said: "The defendants (elders and WTS) did not instruct the plaintiff not to get medical help. She chose not to seek professional help herself against the advice of the elders and Mr. Mott-Trille. The defendants did not instruct the plaintiff that her father's abuse should not be reported. On the contrary, the defendants directed Mr. Palmer (the abuser) to report himself to the C.A.S. and then followed up directly to ensure he had done so.....

    I have already ruled that I do not accept Ms. Boer's evidence that the elders told her not to seek medical assistance and not to report the abuse to the authorities. These were important points about which she was certain in her own mind. Her memory on those was inaccurate."

    This is why he said she said stories are not verifiable proof. So please present the proof that the WTS has told elders to discourage anyone from reporting child abuse. And for those who want to know the truth here is the proof that the WTS has the very best child abuse policy of all religions.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    What I would like first is to see what it is that you will accept as "proof"

    Many here have offered proofs but you don't accept them as valid. So what exactly is the point of us rehashing everything just to have you say "it doesn't count"

  • ozziepost

    TO ALL:

    Here we discussed the NGO/UN topic in great detail. Wisely Ozzie locked the thread down as AlanF had been caught in a lie (at least he has not yet offered proof for what he said) and had no where to go.

    This is not true. Any moderating action was certainly not for the reason 3W claims.

  • ozziepost
    I would like to issue a challenge to those who seek to discredit JWs concerning the WTS as an NGO with the DPI and the child abuse policy of the WTS. Who can actually present proof not heresay and not he said she said.

    This is nonsense - we are still waiting for 3W's response on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/120428/2125577/post.ashx#2125577

    3W: Respond to the earlier thread or this charade thread is locked.

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