Hello everything, it has occurred that time passed and now i choose to post a new message to hopefully enlighten you with my miracelous presence.
Seriously, since i last posted a real message i continued associating with JW's. we are at the chapter of "what happens to the dead?" of their litle "what does the bible really teach" booklet. Interestingly it doesnt really give real hints of substituting a Jehovah God in the form of the publishing corp. Anyway, i also attend 2 congegrations per week but have yet to to read the bible to them, i need to find a suit that suits me first because you have got to be clothed in suit (or dress if you are female) nicely to be allowed on their stage.
The situlation looks like there is a remote shred of hope that some of the JW's in this cong can be saved from the publishing corp considdering that i seem to be an apreciated presence in the cong. Apparantly it is hardly imaginable for a person to be very interested in the promise of eternal life and divine wisdom, albeit distorted. For some reason i find myself refreshed by all the cong's, but most strangely i always have a hard time actually following what is being said from the stage, at the prayers and during the study's and lectures my mind practically always wanders off to other (altough often related) topic's. Sometimes i remember a piece of scripture that is not quoted in the weekly watchtower study and i feel urged to quote it, but i have held back from doing this alteast untill now. At other times when my mind wanders off i begin to think about the verses that say ouer bodies are god's temple and that this alone gives a lot of usefull advice. I hope i can conjure a good lecture that creates a text illustration that compares temples to ouerselves as to give a better understanding in what is better to do. Right now the better thing would be independence (of humans) when it comes to bible study so that it is free from human influence.
The elders i know in the cong have some of my confidence and perhaps they would allow me to do some things of significant proportions, within this cong.
I do hope that you are still with me here because i have a request, i have found inspiration to write something good but i need some help that will actually be usefull in saving some of the JW's and if possible release the entire cong from the publishing corp, but keep them turned to the bible (or actually turn them from the corp, to the bible). Point 1. What can i say to JW's in conversations that will not "trigger" them to label me an apostate (bad association). 2. What could be said on stage (preassuming that people can make up and lecture their own lectures)
On point 2, are those lectures that are lectured at the theocratic school (i believe thats what its called) from the corp or did individual JW's write them? Can i come up with one and read it to them (preassuming the elders accept it)?
In either way, i hope to get some usefull help here so please do not post useless chit-chat or hatefull (disturbing) responses.
Yours truly, Sander Buruma
ps. i also had some inspiration to write something else and it basicly explains who i am, what i think and what i worry about, it is 25 pages of text. But it is not related. I would still apreciate some comments on it. It can be downloaded off esnips.