Ian, thank you so much for your kind words. I would love to be at your apostacurryfest, but I doubt if I can make it Shame.
It seems that I've known you forever on this db, and would like to meet you (and more posters)in person.
As for a new cat, I don't think I will get one at this moment.
It hurts too much when they go. And I'm traveling too much to be able to take care of one. That's why I hired someone
to take care of him to avoid exactly what happened. The guy got drunk on my own homebrew, left Toby outside and took off.
The reason I had this cat was because he didn't have a home and I just can't see an animal suffering.
I lost a cat that one day walked in and never went away. I was just getting over it when Toby got hit by a car.
I wish a beautiful lady would walk into my life and never would go away. lol
Thanks a million dude.
Arthur. Debates are fine, even heated debates. When people start putting the WT ahead of the wellbeing of children though
then my cup runneth over.
I have seen it happen in the years when I was still borg. That was something I could not swallow no matter how hard I was trying to give the GB the
benefit of the doubt.
Also when people do not address the issue at hand. It's exactly like the WT's actions. I have written the Society several times asking about the UN issue.
The answers they gave never addressed the issues at hand. I posted my letters to the WT here on this db. Since I live in the Netherlands I
wrote them in Dutch originally, but also translated them into english. Like I said in one of my previous posts, the answers that TW
gave reminded me of the answers the WT gave me; standardized, not addressing the issue.
The amount of red herrings they gave me to swallow are enough to last me a lifetime or two.
Like if the WT says straight out to me: "Hey Andy, we were wrong to register as NGO with DPI, because of so and so, etc", then
things would be different. People make mistakes and I'm the first in line to say it.
It's the hypocrisy, the lying, the dishonesty, the blaming of the brothers that wear me out.; not their mistakes.
You've done a lot of good from what I've seen on this db and I would like to say: Keep up the good work.
love y'all.