Reconnecting with your Jehovah's Witness past life

by The wanderer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Reconnecting with your Jehovah's Witness past life

    This discussion board has had a tremendous affect on my
    healing process as a former Jehovah's Witness. Anyway,
    it beats spending $100.00 an hour in a nut doctor's
    office. However, part of my healing process will be in
    meeting individuals such as myself.

    Meeting former Jehovah's Witnesses

    It is very important for me to meet some of you in order
    to put this part of my life into perspective. Can someone
    suggest where former Witnesses meet? If there is a
    place somewhere within the United States, the UK or
    Australia sometime in May-August 2007 can someone
    let me know.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    The Wanderer

  • littlerockguy

    Check out the Apostafest thread every so often; There are usually awesome apostafests in the Dallas area during the spring and summer months.


  • BabaYaga

    Cheers, Wanderer...

    Well I know there is an "Aposta-Curry" they have been going on about happening right soon! In UK, I believe... just keep your eyes out for the Aposta-Fests notices... they always post info for a while in advance.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You might want to go to "" and type in "Jehovah". There might be a group in your area. I just went to the one in my area this past Monday and had a great time.

  • Arthur

    Google the words ex-JW meetup. You will surely find links to meetups in Florida. I personally have seen meetups in just about every state when I have used this search.

  • mama1119

    There is never any in Idaho. Surely I am not the only ex JW in Idaho. Is there anyone on here from the Spokane area?????

  • Brigid

    Wanderer, try this if not already suggested

    you'll find people meeting via the internet but in real life with all kinds of interests. I agree, meeting and connecting with ex jws is very important to the healing and integration process.

    Love and Light to you in your path.

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