Another step away from jdubs.

by esw1966 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • esw1966

    Not that you are all terribly interested, but tomorrow I will be learning to run the video equipment at Cornwall Church!

    It should be fun. It provides the background video for the music and the pastor.

    That is something I never would have imagined myself doing just a year ago!

    Thought I'd share my experience as 'the light keeps getting brighter!"

  • Funchback

    Hmm...Isn't that the equivalent of a "privilege" in the Kingdom Hall?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Ooooh - which Church? (am assuming Cornwall, England) - will you be on 'Songs Of Praise'? (is that still on?) - anyone remember 'The Vicar Of Dibley' episode?

  • catbert

    So next you will be setting up a Christmas tree and saluting the flag of the USA, and joining the ranks of all the rest of the pagans! Sorry... I am in a weird mood tonight. I hope you are happy. Wished I was...

  • greendawn

    That church is most likely more Christian than the JWs who are in fact not an authentic Christian organisation since they deny basic Christian principles as laid out in the gospels.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good for you esw, it is, as you say, another step away from the jws.

  • Honesty

    Congratulations, esw1966!!

    The past year and a half has seen the light getting brighter here, too.

    I have been on several mission trips and other projects where the GIRLZ were in charge. Things went a lot smoother than anything I was involved with in theWatchtower cult.

    Matter of fact, got a meeting Saturday after next to make plans for our next Evangelism Rally and you guessed it - the GIRLZ are headin' that one up too.

    Have you been invited to record the Christmas activities yet?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

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