Listen to the Family's of 911

by skyking 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyking

    Monkeyshines Quot below

    Everyone keeps saying to respect the families of those who died in 9/11. What better way can we respect them than do the one thing they ask of us, watch their movie. They took the time to make it and research info.

    Watching their video to the end is what these people, whom you say you care for so much, want more than anything.

    I feel if you do not watch this video you are speaking out of ignorance when you make statements that people are crazy and mentally chalenged when they question 911 officall story. You do not have the right too slam any ne that questions the offical story of 911 if you do not watch this video all the way to the end. I know most will not watch the video because you really like being closed mind and like living there.

  • skyking

    THE Poster JIMBO just called me and said he watched the video and was amazed when when Condeleeza Rice was questioned how she responded and How Bush would not answer when he was directly asked. Also what the 20th hijacker said in an interview when he turned himself in to the Authority's.

    All amazing stuff on this video.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Skyking,

    I just finished watching this video as well as the linked videos to this one. I want to thank you for posting this for all those who have the desire to look at all the facts. I personally did not really have an opinion regarding what happened at 9/11 until I took the time to watch a video the other day that my husband and I stumbled acrossed Now, that coupled with the one that you posted, I think it definatley makes you stop dead in your tracks.

    For all the lives that were lost, I think we owe it to them in their families, to watch this video and to at least hear them. The dead no longer have a voice, except those that loved them and who are demanding answers, they are now their voice.

    So for all who are tired of all the 9/11 theories,but who have not yet watched the video that skyking has posted, I invite you on behalf of all who lost their lives that very day to at least listen to their loved ones who are begging for the American people to listen.

    Personally, I think it is the very least that we can do.


    Lady Liberty

  • skyking

    Thanks lady liberty fro watching the video I hope more people take the time and watch it. Your name say's it all.

  • willowmoon

    Skyking, thank you for posting the video.

    Lady Liberty, thank you for watching and listening.

    I was an eyewitness to the WTC attack... one of the "lucky" ones who didn't make it to the meeting on time that day. The man I lived with, to be married to in December 2001, was lost. So were many of my co-workers and associates. My career ended that day. My home three blocks from the WTC got condemned due to toxic dust and structural damage. Suddenly, on 9/11/01, my entire world was reduced to the dust filled clothes on my back and a frightened little boy asking for his dad.

    This all makes me nothing special. We each recover, accept, move on, whatever, in our own way. Many of us ask for nothing except the truth about the 9/11 events ... for the people like you to listen, read, hear, think and speak out for the truth so no one will ever again suffer the heartbreak, indignities and lies surrounding the 9/11 events.

    Thanks to you both and to anyone who will watch this video and research with open minds and hearts. You see, this is the very best we can do for the lost lives and shattered souls...
    and it's worth lots more than a thousand televised tributes and a million empty words.

    love, willow

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