Hello everyone, Just a thought that I had at a book study about two weeks ago when the chapter about why God permits suffering from the 'Bible Teach' book was being covered. In paragraphs 12 -14 the wts lays out this ridiculous arguement likening God to a teacher and Satan as a student who is disrupting a class. The wts says that much like how a teacher might invite a rebellious and disruptive student to instruct the class so as to prove the student wrong....Jehovah has allowed Satan to operate for a time in order to prove that Satan's way is wrong. This, the wts says, benefits the entire class, because when the rebellious student fails, "all honest students will see that the teacher is the only one qualified to lead the class". Okay.....but a teacher wouldn't let the student attempt to teach day after day after day and for the rest of the semester!!!!! Also, if God is so confident and knows that his way of rulership is correct and has the balls to allow Satan to prove him either right or wrong...how come the wts doesn't allow disenting "voices" to be heard in the organization? Why not give us "rebels" an opportunity to prove wts theology right or wrong? If it is the "truth" than it will stand? No?? Of course we all know the answer to those questions but I just couldn't help but think that once again the wts makes a statement and expects the r&f to accept it as fact, but then contradicts their own statements with their actions. What a complete load of bull***t!!!! ec
Another WTS Contradiction!!!
by enlightenedcynic 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
I agree with you. They should allow the "other side" to express their feelings and disagreements.
Good topic.
***the wts lays out this ridiculous arguement likening God to a teacher and Satan as a student who is disrupting a class. The wts says that much like how a teacher might invite a rebellious and disruptive student to instruct the class so as to prove the student wrong***
So ..... as the rebellious student starts punching and knifing the other (good) students, causing extensive harm and pain, the teacher is watching in the background, calling above the bedlam, "You see? I was right!"
What a great teacher! I wish my 3rd-grade teacher Miss Smith had been just like that. If she had, and assuming I had survived her teaching methods, I'd love her ever so much. Instead, she showered us with love and encouragement -- what a bitch!
Maybe the WTS should submit this educational instruction theory to Education Weekly. Modern educators should be using this enlightened theory in classrooms today. After all, they'd be imitating God! What better model could they have? -
It's a one way street with that cult. Their way or you are out.
The wts says that much like how a teacher might invite a rebellious and disruptive student to instruct the class so as to prove the student wrong
OH COME ON!!!! Most teachers would dicipline the student and perhaps expell the student from the class. And even if the teacher did make such an invite most students would probably shrink from it
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!!!!!!! It's insulting to think that this is what a "spirit directed" group of people could come up with as the answer to one of the most important questions ever! WTF