At first I was in true love with everything JW. Very young at the time. But I just loved the idea of being in a loving worldwide brotherhood. I loved every minute of it! I made stands on things I now cringe at, although I really was sincere and wanted to do the 'WTS right thing'.
It always intrigued me in the book of Revelation how Jesus said to one cong "you have left the love you had in the beginning". Yes, even back then, some cooled off from christian activity & maybe bacame assimilated into the system again.
But was it for the same reasons that we cool off today?
In my case, it is simple: The more you live in the ways of the WTS, even wholeheartedly, the more you become disillusioned with it all. Lets be honest, life in the congs are miserable, lots of double lives & hypocrisy, bullying elders, dubious doctrine, etc, etc. But you didnt see this at first.
The life you thought that you were going to have in this loving worldwide brotherhood simply works out to be an illusion. As time passes and the love bombing stops, then you see the real JW`s. And lets be honest, you take a few unexpected kick up the balls along the way.
Thats why I left the love I had at first.
What about you?