by Utopian Reformist 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    In compiling this abbreviated strategy for the forum, I referred to my personal experiences as an immigrant, student, US Marine, financial professional, technology major, aficionado of history:

    A Balanced Strategy to Eradicate "Identified" Terrorists & Hosts

    1.) The entire coalition SEIZE AND FREEZE ALL FINANCIAL assets of the following terrorist hosts:

    SYRIA / YEMEN / United Arab Emirates / IRAN / IRAQ / SUDAN / Afghanistan

    2.) DETAIN ALL DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL from each host country.

    3.) DENY ALL VISAS to applicants from host countries and DEPORT tourists.

    4.) Implement immediate economic sanctions affecting each host country

    5.) Establish immediate NO-FLY ZONES over each host country and implement full NAVAL BLOCKADES of all ports.

    6.) Forward ULTIMATUMS to all hosts notifying them that the International Coalition DEMANDS the immediate surrender of all known terorrists operating within their borders. Provide lists from international intelligence to each host and demand extradition and surrender within 10 days.

    7.) DEMAND the destruction of all terrorist resources located within the borders of each host country.

    8.) DEMAND Coalition Troops supervise and execute the destruction of all terrorist resources (camps,houses,weapons,literature,etc)

    9.) If all conditions are not met within 10 days, each host will be invaded and occupied by force, and the host government will be removed and replaced with a temporary UN governemnt until free elections can be conducted.

    10.) If cooperation with the conditions is completed, all assets will be released minus the deducted cost of international coalition operational expenses incurred.

    This type of plan would decrease the impending urgency to respond in a military fashion, and deter hostilities, and also reduce the number of casualties on both sides if met with resistance.

    OK, now let me have it...............good or bad....

  • TR

    Sounds good to me.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx alot TR!

    The score is now 1-0

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