fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. well it seems that my first big mistake leaving the J-dubs was continuing to be trusting of others. i was trying to sell a fish tank on for $50. someone emailed me and said that they were from niageria and wanted to send me money for the tank. they sent me almost $3000 in cashiers checks which they wanted me to use to pay the shipper and take my owed fee out of. they even offered me an extra $100 for the running around. well it sounded too good to be true and it was. a while later they emailed me back and said that they will take care of the shipping costs and asked me to send the rest of the money minus my fee back via money gram line. the scam is that the cashiers checks will bounce leaving me with the debt of $2500. to push the matter further the guy in nigeria told me that his son was dieing from mouth cancer and wanted all of the money back. this is when i called the bank, fraud hotline and went to the police to file a fraud report. alas, nothing can be done and i am waiting for the back to call me back and report the checks as bounced. i thought this was too good to be true but failed to understand how a check could bounce if the bank had cashed it. it guess you learn the hard way sometimes. well all of you guys know about that. at least i was wise enough to not waste several more years of my life in a cult.
i was scammed!!!
by aoxo 7 Replies latest jw friends
Geez......I'm sorry that you were scammed, but, that Nigerian money order trick is one of the older ones in the book.
Its a common problem in the uk , never and i repeat never do any buisness with anyone from Africa, never ever
Sorry to hear you were scammed.
This Nigerian scam has been around for months. Also, be careful about e-mails from abroad that you have one a lottery of $1M.
Its' also a scam.
Sorry to hear that.
Yesterday I was trying to sell my Treo 650 on Craigslist and somebody offered me twice as much as I was asking for.
If i have the time I try to waste their time by emailing back and forth.
The scam has being going on for decades.
So sorry you were taken by this. It is a fairly old internet trick, and you must have wondered about $3000.00 for a $50.00 fish tank.
Obviously you were scammed and it happens all the time to non-suspecting people.
You are better off offering something on EBay and getting a paypal account.
Again, so sorry you were a victimized by this.
I am so sorry you got bitten.
An important note: I have been receiving scam appeals for assistance from Nigeria for many years by email. Nigeria's number one source of income as a nation is Internet Fraud. In that economic climate, there is very little the Nigerian government will do to prosecute even known offenders. The US has zero authority there.
French-speaking areas of Canada are becoming notorious for fraud, as well. I received an offer to "test" the Wal-Mart Money Gram system and give feedback on the experience that worked similarly to the scam that got you. The local authorities knew the scam immediately as one originating from Canada. When it comes to the Internet, if it seems too good to be true, it is too good to be true.
AuldSoul -
I get these e-mails about once every two months. About 3 months ago there was an article in my local paper about a woman who got scammed in this to the tune of over $30,000! Poor woman will be a heap of trouble for a while.